

Responses from larry5729

Ribbon midrange pros and cons
I like listened to speakers such as the Martin Logan Motion 60 towers and the Dali towers and I thought ribbon tweeters sounded bright but too bright.  A friend warned me about ear fatigue and I am glad I listened to him.  This said, I wonder what... 
I need bass
I am surprised no one promotes the idea of master setting speakers.  This can make a big difference.  After doing this, I would add a pair of REL T/9i subwoofers and play them in stereo to create a bigger sound stage.  I was told two are much bett... 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
I personally would be scared to purchase used speakers.  How does a novice even know they are in perfect condition?  Why is the party selling them getting rid of them?  That would indicate they were not satisfied with the sound quality.I wonder if... 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
Thanks for confirming my thought on speaker wire and interconnects.  I purchased a pair of Tara Labs for $240 and find them to be sufficient.  However, I have not heard the difference by comparing these to more expensive speaker wire.Didn't realiz... 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
I didn't realize a DAC can make such a SIGNIFICANT improvement in sound quality.  Can you really hear this difference with a blind test?I have a difficult time believing you can hear a significant difference in speaker cable and interconnects.  I ... 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
I have hard wired my motem using CAD6 cable to my Apple TV and hard wired using CAD6 cable from the Apple TV to my ARCAM.  Wouldn’t that be equal to a 16 bit CD recording.  So if that is the case wouldn’t that still sound the same as if I were pla... 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
Never heard of Red Book CD.  Looked it up and it is confusing.  Is this a brand or a standard I should look for when purchasing CD's? 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
I never heard of Qubuz.  Do you need to buy a decoder to use the studio version?What does DSD stand for?  There are so many acronyms you all use that I do not understand.  Wonder if there is an acronym dictionary? 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
rhljazz, are you saying I should disable the loudness normalization function?  If so, why?  I thought this feature when engaged eliminates the volume differences you get from one album to another.  So, why would you disable this feature and choose... 
Power - where to start? Mains, chords, conditioner, filter?
I have a difficult time believing you can hear a SIGNIFICANT difference after spending $2,100 for power cords or for a $6,000 power conditioner.You sure wouldn't be spending this kind of money on a receiver that retails for $3,200 would you?You gu... 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
I was not aware there was loudness normalization setting on TIDAL.  Not sure where to find this.  Please let me know how to do this.When I first began streaming TIDAL I tried streaming it wirelessly via my Apple TV.  This is what TIDAL diagrams on... 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
I agree with junzhang10.  I rarely listen to CD’s anymore since having TIDAL.  Can’t hear much difference.  Maybe that’s because I hard wired everything. 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
Clear clear think,i have ave been told vinyl loses so much detail.  I think CD’s sound so much detail.  I like the crisp highs like cymbals.  Wonder the same about tube amps.  However, they do sound warm. 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
I wonder why the the dealer I purchased my ARCAM suggested I purchase an expensive RCA cable to listen to CD’s played on my OPPO U203?  I am guessing the DAC on the ARCAM to be better than the OPPO.  I did an A & B comparison with my HDMI cabl... 
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player
Would the sound quality have been better had I purchased a Parasound integrated amp as opposed to the ARCAM AVR550 I purchased.