

Responses from larry5729

What system can adequately reproduce the sounds of a tanker being hit by torpedo ?
Could someone please buy me a pair of Gryphon speakers? 
Demo'd a few sets of speakers over the past 2 weeks...
You really need to listen to the SALK Song3 Encore's at $6,000/pair.  They will simply blow your mind.  And no.....I do not represent or sell SALK speakers. 
I went to THE show and didn't make any friends ...
You mentioned the Monitor demo room.  Were these Monitor Audio?  If so, what model? 
SWARM / Multi subwoofer questions
You should take a look at the Rythmik subs.  If you talk to Brian the owner you will be in for a treat.  He has a doctorate in Electrical Engineering.  He is a genius.  They sell direct and put very expensive drivers and amplifiers in their subs. ... 
Streaming vs. CD
I use Tidal and I cannot tell the difference.  I hard wired my modem using CAD6 cable to my Apple TV hard wired CAD6 up the back of my receiver.  I wonder if I would hear a noticeable difference if I used a Blue Note to stream? 
Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement
I wonder why no one mentions Master Setting speakers.  I went to a Denver audio store and they demonstrated master set.  He had his speaker location taped on the floor so after moving them out of position they would go back into sync.  He demonstr... 
Demo'd a few sets of speakers over the past 2 weeks...
For $6,000 buy the SALK Song3 Encore towers.  They sell direct only.  They do so in order to use expensive drivers and build great cabinets.  Problem is you will have to listen to them at a show.  Call Jim Salk and he will amaze you with his knowl... 
Where are the subs?
I agree with dbphd.  I am going to be adding a pair of F12 Rythmik subwoofers to my system to exactly the same thing.  I tried to like the REL subs, but could not hear what a lot of audiophiles claim to be incredible.  Since a REL T/9i is rated at... 
What is a lowball offer? How low is low?
When you travel outside our country you will realize other cultures barter for everything.  We are one of the few societies that are willing to pay retail.  I have purchase expensive Stickley furniture when they have had a 45% off sale.  I often a... 
How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?
The key is to not go to audio shows.  Once you hear better you want it and have to buy it. 
Why all or most audiophiles are men?
I have thought about this too.  This is wives resent what we spend.  I think a lot of this relates to showing off your stuff to your buddies and pounding your chest to see what I have.  My stereo is better than yours.  Then your buddy buys somethi... 
What is the best BNC Digital Cable under $4,000?
This sounds like the story, "The Emperors new Cloths."  This is hilarious!  Maybe you could buy a $30 cable and label it $5,000 and show your friends how much you spent. 
Business Ethics in the Audio Industry
They obviously do not care about customer service.  They should have called you within 24 hours after placing this order to let you know this product had been discontinued.  You would think they would think they would know everything about their p... 
Home Demo Faceoff: Nordost / Audioquest / Transparent
Aren’t the Valhalla cables $12,499.  These cost more than your speakers?  Do people in this hobby spend more on speaker cables than their speakers?  I wouldn’t be able afford these.  This must be a very wealthy group. 
What a sad world we now live in.......
It would be interesting to do a blind test playing the same song on a CD player Vs on Tidal.  Wonder if some would pick Tidal over a CD.  Then run a placebo test.