

Responses from larry5729

What does a tonearm contribute to the sound of a turntable?
I still don't understand the fascination of using vinyl.  Unless people love the sound of noise caused by tracking on a groove.  Noting like the sound of noise when hearing music.  Streaming music is now the future.  Quit buying expensive records ... 
A Soundsmith Re-tip Believer
I cannot understand the attraction for vinyl in the first place when you can stream noiselessly for a whole lot money and you never have to get off your seat to change a record.  Turn tables are really cool looking but they also collect a lot of d... 
New Speaker / System Suggestions
Go with a Parasound amplifier and match them with a pair of SALK Song3 Encore towers.  I would also add a pair of REl S2 SHO subwoofers.  The SALK speakers are only $6,000.  Call Jim Salk and tell him Larry Edwards from Denver sent you. 
Jazz for someone who doesn't like jazz.
The first two songs will get you going.  I use these two songs to demo my system.  What is nice about these two songs is the artists develops the them of the song gradually to make things interesting.  The waiting for the song to develop is what m... 
Magico vs the world
Magico! Magico!  Where art thou Magico.We don't even have a Magico dealer in Denver that I am aware of. 
The bass is the place...
When I listened to the Focal line I always said, WHERE'S THE BASS. 
What is the average dealer mark up?
And then the dealers wonder why their sales are so low?  You would think they would advertise to a highly selected mailing list.  The data they collect for mailing lists can be very narrow.  Andy then they only carry a few speakers and assume thei... 
Audio discounts during Coronavirus
jrwaudio,I have ab OPPO player and I can't see why anyone would bother playing CD's anymore when you can just sit on your sofa and streams huge volumes of music as hi res quality.  My CD's sit in the drawer.  You would have to spend a fortune to b... 
Magico vs the world
Whatever you do, don't ever suggest Paridigm.  They might be too good.  I think their 85F Prestige speakers are incredible for the money.  I still think you can never beat the sound quality of the SALK Sone3 Encore's.  However, they sell direct an... 
New Yamaha integrated amps
Why would anyone buy a Yamaha amp when you can purchase a Parasound integrated.  I wonder why manufacturers promote watts when the real spec should be current?  Watts are a bigger number. 
How far away from your speakers are you?
I would Google master setting speakers.  Not sure where you live, but find a dealer who specializes in this.  Soundings here in Denver is one of the best in the country.I have copied and pasted an article to help you.  Soundings demonstrated this ... 
Question on how DAC’s work...
jassman7,I just read your reply.  Are you saying if I connected my Bluesound Node 2i to an external DAC using digital coax, I could achieve complete unfold of MQA?  When I attached a ProJect S2 DAC to my Bluesound, the bass sounded thinner.  I thi... 
Bass at your ears? (Bass imaging)
Meant to ask.  What do you mean by bass at your ears?  I thought you want to create distance and sound stage in order to visualize the artist playing between the speakers.  If you want bass at your ears buy a good pair of headphones and then good ... 
Bass at your ears? (Bass imaging)
I like the way REL designed their high level connection.  They really act as an additional woofer and they are not detectable if you set them up right.  It is also important to play two instead of one for room balance and for staging.  All you wan... 
Is it all worth it?
I cannot understand why anyone plays vinyl when there is streaming technology available?  No noise from the stylus tracking on a vinyl record.  With all the hi res recordings they have to sound better.  Unless, people love to hear the noise from p...