
Responses from lanx0003

Budget preamp with quality volume control
@zlone  Good to know the universal remote work on the Freya+. I will probably get one if I do clinch the Freya+ but I am still torn between several candidates mainly Pre90, Freya s/+ and Rogue RP1.  
Budget preamp with quality volume control
@tomcarr Toppings are raved by many reviewers / users including the class A rating by Stereophile (for Pre90). At the same time, one of the popular reviewer (do not wish to mention his name) critizes the A90D actually sounds only mediocre. In part... 
Budget preamp with quality volume control
Yes, @zlone, interestingly I thought about that too. For example, I was really in self debate as to how much weights I should place on "remote." Nowadays not having remote for a stereo system is a crime but then the quality of remote is also an is... 
Budget preamp with quality volume control
Great. One of the reason I did not include Freya + in my list is because I do not want to bother with tube replacement in the long run. But Schiit says they have longer lasting alternative called solid state tube, LISST, that triggers my interest.... 
Budget preamp with quality volume control
@audioman58 Thank you for the coveat on the Alps / Bourne pot. Regarding AGD Master 19, I just listen to MidFi Guy channel where he stated, on the positive side, wide SS, smooth, polite and affordable price but, on the flip side, not as precise, o... 
Budget preamp with quality volume control
@kr4 Silly me. Schiit gears are the same. I was confused at the time when I include the Benchmark and Cambridge all-in-one units in the group comparison.  I have taken out which category. Thanks. @jtcf Rogue entry level tube preamp RP1 is more af... 
concrete (cinder) block tower with wood chopping block for turntable stand
DIY with these dirt cheap sturdy material is always doable and practical IF you are ALONE.  Seriously.  I wanted to try that twenty five years ago but I got married thirty years ago.  
Why are speaker stands so expensive?!
For metal stands, Monoprice quad-post stands were highly recommended.  The only complaint I had is the small top plates.  For wood stands, Rockville stands have a good value proposition. Two-tone wood stands (RHT or SS series) are in imparticular ... 
Amp vs Preamp which is more important?
Power amp but a neutral, transparent preamp with good volume control that will keep perfect left-right channels balance is important too.  
Can’t buy output tubes anywhere except from manufacturers at high prices.
I asked TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik and they told me the tubes were made in partnership with JJ Factory of Slovakia.  
Can’t buy output tubes anywhere except from manufacturers at high prices.
Scratch my head too.  I am looking at German made KT88 TK or EL34 TK (Telefunken) too and it seems a few stores carrying them even at BHPhoto.  They last long time. 
Best Amplifier & Speakers combo?
Sound quality wise, CX81 and LS50 were better rated.  However, with LS50 priced at $1600, I will add a few hundreds and go with Buchardt S400 mk ii for its more extended frequency range (79hz-28khz -> 33hz-44khz ±3 dB).  LS50 is renowned for it... 
I never purchase used gears from Crutchfield before but only a pair of brand new speakers one time.  You will think what bad experience you could possibly get from buying a brand new set of speakers?  Well, here was the story.  I found out the spe... 
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please.
Enthusiastic audiogoners here will start spinning you around with all sort of dream gears of their own.  This shows how much they care about you but it might not be a good thing because you will be overwhelmed.  Instead, it is suggested that you g... 
I did not mind buying open box or B-stock gears as long as they are in mint condition from the retailor until the most recent purchase. I bought a B-stock S400 Mk ii from Buchardt. Cosmetically it looks like new. One or two pieces of minor accesso...