
Responses from lanx0003

Digital enhancement
I am admittedly very confused. I actually paid close attention to Bacch-SP for a short while but could not get a good sense out of whether the processor/dac is doing something different or better out of recordings that are already great in soundst... 
Just how many options does 1 need in a 2 way bookshelf design?
The wide dispersion characteristics of those small mid/woofers were actually a detriment to sound quality. Taking the driver size up a notch, thus intentionally limiting dispersion actually produced more detail, focus and imaging in the average r... 
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
I am not sure if it is coincidental that SP10 shares close similarity with Tannoy Eaton in terms of specs.  The faceted baffle, driver design and the resultant distinctive but pleasant sound traits are definitely good deviations.  I think SP10 is ... 
Just how many options does 1 need in a 2 way bookshelf design?
Andrew Jones talked about his considerations for speaker design in general, that are bass, size and efficiency.  The debut product, Sourcepoint 10, he comes up with after joining MoFi turns out a good balance of these imo.  With the 2-way concentr... 
Digital is far better than vinyl
I could care less whether this is a joke/satire or not. However, I wonder how many audiophiles actually know why the vinyl sounds better than digital if that is indeed the case (I was convinced), given the fact that the theoretical dynamic range (... 
Too Much Gain the Issue ? (preamp and amp)
+1@pmm.  When the (10dB) attenuator is used between the preamp and the power amp, quote (in Rothwell) "... not only is system gain reduced by 10dB but also the signal to noise ratio is improved by 10dB.  This pushes the noise floor down enough to ... 
How crucial is the quality of a digital cable?
This is summarized by Tarun whose ears/taste I thrust. Among these cables that range from $50 to $1k, I have used Belden and Mogami and they play well.    
New transport or repair CD player
If the issue is isolatedly the laser lens, part is readily available for around $35. Meridian 508 20 bit CD Player is worth repairing if you could find a local guru. For example, I found a local (WPB) guru who was able to fix my Marantz cd play fo... 
Simplest Linear PSU?
Book Shelf Speaker advice - Formerly Book Shelf Dilemma
@grislybutter Don’t get me wrong. My reservation and decision not to add sub(s) as part of system is in a general term, not related to a sepecific model/brand of sub. As @soix mentioned, SVS is a good brand and SB1000 is a fine sub. But, a 12" woo... 
Book Shelf Speaker advice - Formerly Book Shelf Dilemma
You did, @grislybutter.  In the past almost a year, I tried to integrate my 25 year old AR SW30 sub, SVS SB 1000 and SB 2000 with my 2-channel system using (1) speaker level input (2) line level input as well as (3) line-level input with HPF (fixe... 
Book Shelf Speaker advice - Formerly Book Shelf Dilemma
Yes, agreed, the OP does have plenty of choices under his budget as mentioned if he/she does not desire for low end extended to 30-40 hz range.  For example, I would get raved Evoke 10 as you have suggested (or even Evoke 20 by stretching the budg... 
Book Shelf Speaker advice - Formerly Book Shelf Dilemma
I was going thru similar avenue seeking for speakers for my 1st and 2nd systems. I must agree with @kenjit that there are too many choices and you need to do your homework yourself first. Read reviews and shorten your list down to 3-5 speakers. Ho... 
Nobosound Springs
Thank you for the inputs, @ghdprentice   
What Gear Has Disappointed You?
  Marantz CD63se player.  Unopened drawer (broken belt and laser head went bad.  Two of them ended up the same issues.