

Responses from lalitk

Moving up from a Node 2i
Another vote for Aurender N100. It will be a definite upgrade in SQ and App Interface over Node 2i. The only thing Aurender can’t do is Roon, but their Conductor app is superb. You should be able to find a used one for around $1500.  
Suggestions for a top flight streamer/Dac around the $2000 mark?
uber,Consider Aurender N100H used, excellent player as long as you pair it with a decent DAC, like Denafrips (they have 4 different offerings starting at $1K) all reviewed very favorably. Look into Innuos ZENmini + LPSU also.  
AURENDER information from speaking to Moon Audio
Another satisfied owner of N10 for 5 years! As far as ripping CD’s, I end up buying the Bluesound Vault 2 last year. So far I have burned 310 CD’s (sorry I wasn’t going to pay someone to copy my music). Transferring music from Vault 2 to N10 is a ... 
[help] I'm too Boomer to stream. :-(
@labguy,We understand your frustration. As others have pointed out, there is a bit of learning curve with Node 2i. If the idea behind Node 2i was to eliminate laptop from your system, then Node 2i makes perfect sense. I would connect Node 2i using... 
Can I cheat and not get caught?
I am using WBT spades (speaker wire) and banana’s (REL subs) connectors, both hooked up simultaneously to my Accuphase Integrated dual binding posts, no issues at all. I simply love the oversized binding posts. 
Digital coaxial advice needed
+1, Audio Envy digital coax. 
AURALIC VEGA dac: Best cable to use to pair with AURALIC G1 or G2 streamer?
Which type of cable sounds best for Streamer to DAC: AES/EBU or DIGITAL COAX or USB ??
In your system, I would stick with Digital Coax between your Node and Auralic DAC. I own Vault 2, both RCA and Toslink sounded pretty flat to my ears. 
Question for those who use REL subs with Wilson speakers
@arsh,Two REL’s S/812’s should be more than enough in your room. I am using a pair of Carbon Limited in my room - 15”D x 30”W. I am with @golfnutz on exploring bass traps before you upgrade your speakers. I worked with GIK Acoustics and they were ... 
Amp and Processor
@daj2832,Grab a used Marantz AV8802A and call it a day. It’s a excellent processor and just as good with stereo sound.  
Why stream?
One more thing, also compare the streaming over WiFi vs wired connection to your Cambridge Streamer / DAC. Many here, including myself found hard wired connection sounded more dynamic and cleaner.   
Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying
^^Don’t just believe the hype, if you’re going to dump $6K in U1 then you should find a way to audition the competing streamers from Innuos, Aurender and Auralic. Bluesound is a budget but a very good streamer. I think Innuos ZENmini + LPSU will g... 
Why stream?
Hi-Fi streaming is here....if you have access to Qobuz streaming, sign up for a trial. They offer the best quality (upto 24bit/196kHz) streaming at this time. They may not have the vast catalog as Spotify but they are ramping up their library sinc... 
Does Digital Try Too Hard?
“So what are you doing right? What does your power supply game look like?”@mkgus,I am currently using Nordost QRT system to cleanse incoming power along with Furutech Rhodium receptacles. You can find more details on my system page.  
Does Digital Try Too Hard?
My digital setup has no trace of any glare....the devil is in the detail 😊