Responses from lalitk
Moving up from a Node 2i Another vote for Aurender N100. It will be a definite upgrade in SQ and App Interface over Node 2i. The only thing Aurender can’t do is Roon, but their Conductor app is superb. You should be able to find a used one for around $1500. | |
Suggestions for a top flight streamer/Dac around the $2000 mark? uber,Consider Aurender N100H used, excellent player as long as you pair it with a decent DAC, like Denafrips (they have 4 different offerings starting at $1K) all reviewed very favorably. Look into Innuos ZENmini + LPSU also. | |
AURENDER information from speaking to Moon Audio Another satisfied owner of N10 for 5 years! As far as ripping CD’s, I end up buying the Bluesound Vault 2 last year. So far I have burned 310 CD’s (sorry I wasn’t going to pay someone to copy my music). Transferring music from Vault 2 to N10 is a ... | |
[help] I'm too Boomer to stream. :-( @labguy,We understand your frustration. As others have pointed out, there is a bit of learning curve with Node 2i. If the idea behind Node 2i was to eliminate laptop from your system, then Node 2i makes perfect sense. I would connect Node 2i using... | |
Can I cheat and not get caught? I am using WBT spades (speaker wire) and banana’s (REL subs) connectors, both hooked up simultaneously to my Accuphase Integrated dual binding posts, no issues at all. I simply love the oversized binding posts. | |
Digital coaxial advice needed +1, Audio Envy digital coax. | |
AURALIC VEGA dac: Best cable to use to pair with AURALIC G1 or G2 streamer? | |
Which type of cable sounds best for Streamer to DAC: AES/EBU or DIGITAL COAX or USB ?? In your system, I would stick with Digital Coax between your Node and Auralic DAC. I own Vault 2, both RCA and Toslink sounded pretty flat to my ears. | |
Question for those who use REL subs with Wilson speakers @arsh,Two REL’s S/812’s should be more than enough in your room. I am using a pair of Carbon Limited in my room - 15”D x 30”W. I am with @golfnutz on exploring bass traps before you upgrade your speakers. I worked with GIK Acoustics and they were ... | |
Amp and Processor @daj2832,Grab a used Marantz AV8802A and call it a day. It’s a excellent processor and just as good with stereo sound. | |
Why stream? One more thing, also compare the streaming over WiFi vs wired connection to your Cambridge Streamer / DAC. Many here, including myself found hard wired connection sounded more dynamic and cleaner. | |
Lumin X1 latest Review like we have been saying ^^Don’t just believe the hype, if you’re going to dump $6K in U1 then you should find a way to audition the competing streamers from Innuos, Aurender and Auralic. Bluesound is a budget but a very good streamer. I think Innuos ZENmini + LPSU will g... | |
Why stream? Hi-Fi streaming is here....if you have access to Qobuz streaming, sign up for a trial. They offer the best quality (upto 24bit/196kHz) streaming at this time. They may not have the vast catalog as Spotify but they are ramping up their library sinc... | |
Does Digital Try Too Hard? “So what are you doing right? What does your power supply game look like?”@mkgus,I am currently using Nordost QRT system to cleanse incoming power along with Furutech Rhodium receptacles. You can find more details on my system page. | |
Does Digital Try Too Hard? My digital setup has no trace of any glare....the devil is in the detail 😊 |