

Responses from lalitk

Aurender integrated streamer/DACs
@mhwilliford You’re on a right path. Let’s chat about network optimization once you’re settled with 502 or PS Audio DSD in your system. Good luck and keep us posted!  
聖HIJIRI Users thread
@lak et all, Here is the complete line up, they have two tiers - entry and top tier.  Power Cords: Nagomi - Entry & Takumi “Maestro” - Top There is a limited edition SM2R-L power cord aligned between the two tiers. Interconnect: HCI - Entr... 
First phono stage upgrade
There is no substitute for the ability to audition gear within your system. Let your ears decide what’s sounds best in your budget.  Around $2K, the phono options comes to mind are Tron Convergence, Gold Note PH-10 and Konus Audio Vinyle 1000MM M... 
“Mostly interested in streaming Quboz, don’t care about Roon.” If you’re not interested in ROON, then there isn’t a better choice than Aurender. I am a long time Aurender user, the Conductor app is very robust, well laid out and makes it a breeze... 
Sternklang Cables
“I will audition the "Million" tier.” @jafant  Go for it!   
What cables play nicely with Acoustic BBQ?
@mikerubin, You can try Audio Envy O’nestian XLR but Zavfino Fusion for bit more money is well worth it, both in terms of performance and by build quality. I have had both of these cables in my system. You’re likely to get tons of recommendation... 
Aurender integrated streamer/DACs
@mhwilliford The Weiss 502 would be one of those one box solution with a more emphasis on digital to analog conversion. It is also a Roon ready device (renderer) which means you need to have a separate device like ROON Nucleus or a laptop on you... 
Aurender integrated streamer/DACs
@mhwilliford  Given your budget, there are so many options. Conventional wisdom says to take the separate route which gives you complete flexibility with upgrades down the road. On the other hand, if you’re shopping in $15K range, you must look a... 
What about wall plate connections?
@fastfreight I understand now what you are trying to do. There are couple of ways to keep your Muon Ethernet cable. You can buy a cheap Ethernet coupler (may degrade the sound) or buy a Ethernet Isolator. https://www.amazon.com/EverStar-Metallic... 
Sternklang Cables
@willgolf  Sorry I wasn’t clear, try both 聖HIJIRI and Sternklang.   
What about wall plate connections?
Nope, a fancy wall plate is not going to improve the sound. You are already using a high quality Ethernet cable and taken care of the possible noise by inserting a very good passive filter in the signal path. Just make sure the connection is secur... 
Sternklang Cables
@willgolf  I can see why you loved Sternklang SPDIF over 聖Hijiri with Horizon DAC. My system is all SS so I found the right ‘balance’ with 聖Hijiri cables. Having said that, Sternklang proving to be quite complimentary…whenever you’re ready, I rec... 
LaScala dac with telefunken tubes
You can possibly get this amazing DAC under $5K on used market. I heard many raving about this DAC with NOS tubes like Telefunken ECC801. If you end up getting this DAC, reach out to Brent Jessie for high quality tubes.   
Sternklang Cables
@willgolf  I wouldn’t quite call it a comparison just yet, what I posted above are just my listening impressions. As I mentioned in my OP, Sternklang cables has a very different presentation. They will not be replacing my reference, 聖Hijiri “Mill... 
@oddiofyl  Some DACs produce mechanical clicks (pops) when changing sample rates or when you pause / resume stream. This is normal, I don’t think it has anything to do with Ethernet cable or Aurender streamer.