

Responses from lak

Please recommend speakers for 45 watt SET amps
Another option is a variety of speakers offered by ZU Audio. https://www.zuaudio.com/loudspeakers And/or Klipsch Heritage speakers. https://www.klipsch.com/heritage-premium-audio  
Couple of Line Conditioners...
I had the PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and a PS AC outlet (in the wall) in my main system several years ago and never really heard any improvement. As blisshifi suggests give them some break-in time and then if you don't hear any improvement you know ... 
Audio Rack Opinions
+1 lalitk & kgturner, I totally agree. My second choice would be the Butcher Block Audio Rigid Rack with 4 shelves, I would opt for 3" thick shelves.  
Silver Speaker Cables
There is some very good advise provided above. One bit of caution, in my opinion if you want true silver interconnects, speaker cables, power cords etc, (of any kind), make sure you purchase 5N silver. A wire that is copper with silver plating wil... 
Silver Speaker Cables
I highly recommend: https://www.lavricables.com/ There are several levels offered at various price points, I use the Grand power cords and interconnects (RCA) in one system and will receive the Grand speaker cables this week. I do hear a dif... 
Power cable
I agree with those that suggested any of the Zavfino power cords.  
I agree, Zavfino products are good, a lot of bang for the $.  
recommended speakers for Raven Blackhawk 3.1
Check out the ZU Audio speakers either new as they are currently taking preorders and/or might have some models that are available within your price range or buy on the used market.  https://www.zuaudio.com/loudspeakers/dw6    
New power service
Excellent, and I believe the upgrade was a wise decision. What AC outlets are you using for your components? Are AC lines for your system dedicated?  
Shakti Stone
Your mileage will vary based upon your system components, system setup, AC power supplied to your home, etc.  
Do older power cables still hold up to newer ones?
I believe the power cords you have are good however there are better available that will most likely sound better after the break-in. As mentioned by others in several above posts.  
聖HIJIRI Users thread
@jafant, I had the HIJIRI pc on my Allnic T-1500 300B integrated amp, unfortunately, I have not moved that power cord to other systems but will be doing that shortly. Honestly, within this thread, I feel there are others that are much more qualif... 
聖HIJIRI Users thread
Which system? (LOL) A variety of HFC in the main system, Zivfino Fusion in another, and to prevent confusion I'll stop there.  
聖HIJIRI Users thread
I don't mean to muddy the waters on this thread. I have one 聖HIJIRI power cord and really like it. The Infigo Sparkle interconnect (out of Canada) was mentioned to me as an interconnect to audition with glowing recommendations. Has anyone tried it?  
Sternklang Cables
@lalitk, thanks for the post. Without posts like yours many of us would not hear of these interesting products. Best regards...