

Responses from lak

Equi=Core 1000
Please get back to us and let us know your thoughts regarding the Equi=Core vs your Niagara 1200.  
Silver Speaker Cables
@tump350 & lancelock; great news, please keep us posted on the progress.    
Power Cable will not fully insert. Help.
Yes, for some reason that sometimes happens, as roxy54 said no big deal, it will be fine.  
Bragging rights.....
@mapman: I look at that move similarly (in a way) as moving from an amp and preamp to an integrated unit. Nothing wrong with that especially if you are happy with what you hear. I would definitely want to hold onto my separate components for a lon... 
Sternklang Cables
Any other user thoughts regarding the Sternklang interconnects?  
High Quality Interconnects for Luxman L-590AXII
I own a Luxman 590 AXII however I have only used RCA interconnects. With that said (due to my experimentation with my Plinius SA reference amp and Audio Research REF 5SE) I did not find a difference using RCA vs XLR interconnects using 1/M and/or ... 
Silver Speaker Cables
@jayctoy I've received my Lavricables shipped quickly with UPS. Custom orders took one week to produce.  
Integrated amp for Sonus Faber olympica nova 1
@sastybe; Wow, I think your Pass Labs int60 is very good looking! I know it's all in the eyes of the beholder. Perhaps when she looks at other integrated amps she will decide the Pass isn't as bad as she thinks? I wonder which integrated amp your... 
Why do so many members seem afraid of making an audio decision?
+1 vitussl101  
Amp straight into the wall
@bikeboy52; You have received some excellent answers to your question. The real test is try your amp into your power conditioner and next directly into the AC wall outlet and decide for yourself which sounds best. Finally let us know your findings... 
Infigo Audio Cables
@ozzy; I'm due to receive the Signature interconnect tomorrow (9/19) according to USPS tracking. @facten: You might need to contact calvinj for the information.  
Zu Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale today
I'll be interested in hearing about the new and improved speakers, when people actually receive theirs and can describe what they are hearing.    
Infigo Audio Cables
Has anyone actually compared the Infigo Signature interconnect to the Infigo Sparkle interconnect? I've read about the differences manufacturing the interconnects but I want to hear from someone that can tell me what they actually heard?    
Audio Rack Opinions
The following was written by Paul McGowan of PS Audio: A few years ago when we were researching the PS Audio PowerBase product I spent a few weeks digging into the sonic impacts of vibration control. What I discovered is how much of a difference... 
Silver Speaker Cables
"This mirrors my experience with high-quality silver cabling. In addition to the "lifelike detail", I experience increased openness, air, and a more convincing natural tone and timbre. System, component, and wire quality dependent of course" @cha...