

Responses from lak

Zu Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale today
@bourbonkernel ​​@moofoo: I'll definitely post my impressions in this forum as soon as I receive the speakers and give them some break-in time. Jim at Zu Audio said although the speakers had 300 hours of break-in time, the silver internal wire wil... 
Zu Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale today
I'm definitely getting older and must be losing my mind. I posted on this forum earlier and evidently, I posted an incorrect Zu speaker that I own. In 2019 I purchased the Omen MK II. For the record, I'm blaming those of you that had posted such ... 
Does creating a loom in cables in a system make a significant difference?
+1 Charles1dad  
Sternklang Cables
@willgolf, excellent information, and great job. I'm looking forward to reading more when it's available.  
Has anyone gone from Tannoy to Zu Audio?
@simna, right you are, I did not realize you were in Sweden. Please let us know what you end up doing, whenever you decide on the correct choice.  
Zu Dirty Weekend 6 went on sale today
I'm a bit late to the bass discussion however I know that with more hours of break-in, the bass response will improve. I purchased my upgraded Omen Dirty Weekend Mk II several years ago and still use them.  
Has anyone gone from Tannoy to Zu Audio?
Just wanted to point the above out. I have no idea if the Zu sound would be something you guys would like. You could phone them and inquire about the sound and the above return policy.  
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
@ozzy, thanks for the information regarding the Luminscate speaker cables. I'll be interested to hear about the interconnects and power cords also whenever someone has demoed them.  
Sternklang Cables
I would very much like for the audiophiles that have demoed Colins' various high end RCA/XLR interconnects to demo the Infigo Signature interconnects being provided by calvinj (Calvin Johnson) and tell us how they compare. I'm going to pass on fut... 
Has anyone gone from Tannoy to Zu Audio?
I've not heard the Tannoy Legacy speakers unfortunately but I will say that for a 12 watt tube amp in my opinion the Zu Audio DW6 is several steps in the right direction. Bandwidth: 30 - 22k Hz Sensitivity: 99 dB-SPL @ 2.8V, 1m Impedance: 8 ohm    
need a new IC cable ( rca )
Highly recommended within your price range: https://zavfinousa.com/collections/audio-interconnects/products/the-fusion-solid-pure-silver-occ-copper-hybrid-rca  
Power Cables - Stock vs. Budget
@gnoworyta Yes, I believe upgraded power cords will make a positive improvement in your system. Within your price range I suggest the following, If and when you have additional funds you cam move up their power cord line to the more expensive ones... 
Infigo Audio Cables
@ozzy Do you have the power cords also? BTW; XLR's received Saturday...thank you ;-)    
Power cable for Bryston
Zavfino offers several different power cords at different price levels, they are all big band for the buck and manufactured correctly. There are several threads on Audiogon regarding all of their products. https://zavfinousa.com  
Cerious Technologies NEW Graphene Cables
@ozzy, looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Lumniscate speaker cables as well as from others that are beta testers of the new Lumniscate cables in general.