
Responses from lacee

WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips
Placing a WA fuse chip on top of one end of a standard fuse did make an audible improvement.I took out a pair of Supremme fuses I was using in my Acoustat servo amps and re-inserted the two stock fuses without the chips.The sound was less focused ... 
Should we upgrade high end fuses?
A cheap fuse is much like cheap tubes, cheap sockets,cheap interconnects and cheap speaker wires, cheap power cords etc.They all work.If that's all you want stick with them.Some of us have found out that upgrading the fuse makes an improvemnent, j... 
Upgraded fuses in Acoustat 2 + 2's
I have and the results were positive to say the least.Make sure to add the WA chips.The next "fix" was to replace the old RCA and cheap IEC connectors with the top of the line from Furutech.The increased clarity and focus was well worth the added ... 
Why does better power = better sound?
I recently replaced the IEC inputs on my amps and the RCA inputs with the best of each from Furutech.I purchased the Rhodium plating, only because there are a lot of tubes in my system and it doesn't need any more "warmth".What I am now enjoying i... 
Why does better power = better sound?
Why do some tubes sound better than others?Possible answers are- design, build quality,materials used,and others.Similar answers for the following can apply. Why do some tube circuits sound better than other ones? Why do some solid state designs s... 
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips
I was living on the edge for years,using DIY fuse replacements.When the Iso Cleans came out I tried them and they were better than stock and much safer than DIY chunks of wire.Then when the HiFi supremes came out I didn't hesitate to try them in m... 
Why does better power = better sound?
I had a listen to one of my audio friend's sytem the other nite.He was the fellow who got me started down the road of power cords and power conditioners and has always been a Shunyata fan boy.He reported that replacing his top of the line Shunyata... 
Fuses that matter.
It's been a couple of weeks since I put the WA chips on my 4 HiFi Supreme fuses in my Acoustat servo amps.The direction of the fuse does make a difference,more evident with the chips.A cheap, but worthwhile tweak to the HiFi Supreme fuse,a real ba... 
Why does better power = better sound?
I agree Whart, I would like Rower's input on what electronic gear he has measured or owns that doesn't benefit from a better power conditioner or power cord or fuse for that matter.It must be perfect and cost a lot more than what I have used over ... 
What guage hook up wire would be the best?
So cold we forget how to spell. 
Why does better power = better sound?
Rower, you seem to feel that noise being generated either from components(ie-Sunfire sub) or elsewhere has no effect on the sound coming from our system?Maybe, I misinterpret what you are saying.But the Fluke test was visible proof of distortions ... 
Why does better power = better sound?
My chips came in!I wasn't expecting them to do much, and to be honest I need to play a few lps before I pass judgement on the tonearm/cart chip, but the combination of the fuse and transformer chips has made me very happy.On the cd -Is A Woman- by... 
Why does better power = better sound?
I am still waiting for the WA chips to arrive, 4 fuse, 2 transformer and one tonearm chip.I'll post my impressions later.What I can say is that anyone looking for a replacement receptacle,should try the Furutech GTX D - gold.I have used several ho... 
Why does better power = better sound?
There's no peer pressure, and it's not an exclusive club.Anyone can join in.It need not be expensive,there's a lot you can do yourself ,when in doubt hire a professional.Vibrations can ruin your sound but can be easily overcome, buy the stuff or m... 
Dedicated AC Power Line vs. Power Conditioner?
I've had great success with two 20 amp dedicated lines and I use Shunyata power conditioners Hydra 2,Guardian 2,Hydra 8)and a Furman balanced power conditioner.I isolate the furman on one dedicated line and only have my cd player on it.The other d...