
Responses from lacee

Got Ears?
What is important to me is hearing as much of the music as has been recorded.Unfortunately,the better more expensive systems just seem to do this better, and I've never experienced listener fatigue with a quality system.My ears have shut down on l... 
Got Ears?
I thought gold was a good conductor.Why toss the golden ears out ?Getting rid of good quality gear and settling for inferior gear because you are a music lover first and like to brag about the lack of quality gear, is no different than someone who... 
O.C.D. Speaker placement
The level of OCD is dependant on the gear.The less resolving gear will be more forgiving of differences in exact speaker /gear/room/electrical/vibration/conditions.I have spent amy hours of trial and error and countless measuring sessions getting ... 
Got Ears?
I truly believe that most anyone can develope golden ears.But I also have to add that some folks may have better ears than others ,hence the ability of some folks to be able to carry a tune and others who can not-the tone deaf.Iam a musician, so f... 
Found good & affordable amp for Magnepans
I have the Maggie on wall(4)and centre speaker in a separate HT system.I get very good results using an Emotiva 5 channel amp that was around $350.00 new.Granted this is HT,but I can't fault the amp's sonics nor find any noise,tech issues with it.... 
Grover Huffhman Sx
I think I will try some of his interconnects ESPECIALLY if they call a spade a spade.Poorly recorded music should be reproduced as poorly recorded music, not sugar coated.If you like cables that colour the sound and bring everything down to thier ... 
Esoteric K03
I have an old X-03 and there's no noise when spinning discs.Perhaps as some suggest, some may need more break in time.In any event I would take my player to an Esoteric dealer and listen to it in a different setting and see if it has issues with n... 
Speaker Spikes - do the shake test
I used to think that speakers on spikes were the way to roll,but not so much, at least not with my current speakers-Acoustat X.The acoustats used to have very nice thicker than average spikes.but getting the Acoustats set up just so requires a lot... 
Thoughts on SME 10A
I have a two year old SME 10 with a V arm, upgraded the wires to Nordost Frey.It sits atop a Grand Prix Audio LeMans SE rack(the legs of the rack have the same filler of the more expensive Monaco)I use a Clearaudio Talisman V2 Gold into a Manley S... 
Does the volume control effect sound quality?
Thanks for the advice George, but this and several other mods have been done to the Acoustat servo amps,all the better to showcase how good the Lightspeed is.The Acoustats I have are not stock,they were modded by DTS audio,I power the servo amps w... 
Does the volume control effect sound quality?
I think some folks who are familiar with the Manley Steelhead, would say that it's a respectable piece.As good as it is,it's not as clean as the Lightspeed Attenuator that I am using now.Very easy to hear the loss of detail when running my Esoteri... 
Fuses that matter.
I can also say that the AMR with the WA Chips are even better. 
WA-Quantum GmbH's Quantum Chips
The chips work with the AMR Gold fuses,took them off the Supremes and notice similar improvement to sound. 
Fuses that matter.
Having gone from HiFi Supremes with the WA chips to AMR golds, I was quite pleased as I've noticed before.Interesting that Gbmcleod feels that the Supremes may have some bass limiting traits.Interesting, because on another thread I posted that I f... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Thanks George for confirming that what I was hearing wasn't my imagination.I've been on a "power first" approach to this hobby for the last few years,so it doesn't surprise me that the quality of the wall wart could affect the sound.I hope to expl...