
Discussions kublakhan has started

Audio Research VSi-55 integrated amp - comments?42293
Talon Falcon 'bookshelf' speakers - any comments?41202
Jolie Holland in Los Angeles THE DERBY tonight12230
New Guy asking for help725031
Greatest Recordings - your opinions35907
RU recording LPs on Reel to Reel ?523120
How do they MIC a symphony?310011
Embarrassing Tube Story36075
Aria owners? Mike Elliot's new company534611
Please help - Impotence problem672517
Dan Wright "Absolute Truth" mod for SCD-1 / 777es624113
VPI Aries - either or question, please comment674619
Hovland hp-100 remote in the future?473910
Clearaudio ref phono - any reviews or comments?42065