
Discussions kublakhan has started

DACs with FIREWIRE?33407
Will computer to DAC replace transports and cdp's?85545144
Drone Zone on SomaFM - anyone listening?334211
Reel to reel deck -Talk me in or out of buying1331528
VINCE YOUNG On hi def?379614
Help locate stolen Tom Waits song by 3rd Bass490313
mother passed away - pro recording help needed718525
Best way to hear sonic signature of a cable?34109
ELP laser turntable - any comments?2672772
Will Wadio ever make an SACD player?577922
Help me help my dad build a home theater24932
Sony SCD-1 audiocom mod vs. Wadia 861 anybody?686613
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor - 50 watt tube amp ok?42714
Help build my new system43327
Audio Research VSi-55 integrated amp - comments?41943