
Discussions kublakhan has started

Quiet laptop recommendations34364
Aria phono preamp - Mike Elliot blog1336529
Techs in NYC - I need names55938
Ripping SACD's - when, if ever?31943
HDTV widescreen - Grey bars on side, not black?1091416
Audio Note Gaku-on1326711
Excellent review of CAPACITORS Must read1170217
Devendra Banhart - Anybody listening ?247214
Technical question - satellites and TVs31298
ELCO cables - what happened to them?22572
NYC - Compare computer rig w/ conventional?24703
High Efficiency Monitors - List1295815
Mississippi John Hurt and Tom Waits26808
ATC Active 10 speakers - has anybody heard these?28801
Led Zeppelin Classic Records 45 series -Am I nuts?1466025