

Responses from krell1

Am I the only one who thinks B&W is mid-fi?
I first heard the N802 when they came out at my dealer with McIntosh and I didn't like them. I finally took the plunge and sold my Matrix 801 III w/North Creek crossovers for the N802's. They are very realistic sounding like nothing I ever thought... 
New Phono Pre-Amp
I bought a Monolithic PS1 with power supply and it has been wonderful with my MMF-7. I wanted to keep the price in perspective and it is a good place to start. Happy listening :-) 
Shhhhhh Don't tell my wife. Looking at B&W 802Ns
I don't know how my wife let me keep the 801 III Matrix so long other than they sounded great. The N802 footprint is much smaller and they look magnificent. I mentioned that to my wife prior to getting them. The apperance unquestionably will bring... 
Will an entry level Project or MusicHall be enough
I have a Krell AVS,300S,DT10 with N802's and I just added the MMF7 with Goldring. After owning a big rig TNTIII,JMW,Ruby I can say I am pleased. I know it is very musical using it with a Monolithic & power suply. I was thinking of others but t... 
Best brand of cable for B&W N802?
Has anyone ever tried the NBS line. I hear they are more musical than most anything else and very detailed. I hear it is like a best kept secret and could this be true. I am going to do the cable shootout starting with Proteour and the Ultra XL wh... 
Shhhhhh Don't tell my wife. Looking at B&W 802Ns
My wife loves them and I just had to have them. I did a 10 hour round trip selling my 801 III's and buying my N802's. My wifes words were "they are fabulous" as we sat and listened. They are a much improvement on an already great speaker. We just ... 
Best brand of cable for B&W N802?
I really appreciate everyones post here but still have not found what I am looking to hear. I have searched in the archives prior to this post and still came away unsure. I was never really familiar with Kimber, and I know someone who tried the Ve... 
Where to find LP clamps?
I used to use the VPI Derlin clamp with the TNT I used to have. Upon getting back into analog with a MMF-7, I have been told that a "Ring-mat" without the clamp is the way to go. I would have to agree and haven't gone back to the clamp yet. I had ... 
Are your used items selling?
Stay with reputible gear with good reviews and most will want to try it to. There is a wide range of gear both solid state and tube that should hold value and move fairly well. 
What amp is best?
I have been satisfied with a 300S on my B&W 801 III's. I would try the PASS if I had the chance to. You can never hear them all unless at the CES show which is not always the best acoustics. Those Nautilus speakers will reveal all front end sh... 
Bright room, help
Acousticsfirst.com is very competitive and may be some help, Good luck. 
Headphone Amps
I second the Headroom recommendation, after first owning a Cosmic, and now the Maxed Out Home Reference. I have friends that are into tube electronics who boutght and the MOHR, and don't miss anything about it. It is smooth, acurate with solid bas... 
Will your cables live FOREVER?
Not as long, being a member of Audiogon. 
Speakers for Rock
I have owned B&W 801 III run with Krell/Trasparent for 8 years now and love the dynamics and speed they have. I have a larger room with accoustic treatment and use North Creek crossovers which was the weak point of the Matrix series. I play so... 
Phonomena vs. AcousTech PH-1 phono pre amp?
I have heard good things about the Monolithic sound phono stage. Any comments?