Responses from kraftwerkturbo
The character of analog and digital Picking up on the comparison to stick vs automatic shifting: "Enthusiasts" will say manual is the ONLY way (so much better than CD, ahem automatic). But they grudingly admit that automatic is MUCH faster (why do you think Formula 1 cars have digit... | |
So I was changing a lightbulb last night… Still hoping to find someone explaining the effect. Why is touching the ground (lamp body is normally grounded) with a human body (fairly well insulated from ground, assuming shoes, ladder, carpet) getting a signal to the tone arm. Since foil arou... | |
Cable TV music source I even had problems using my 'AV' DVD (blueray) player to play my CDs. Constantly switched back to the 'tv', and every time I skip on the cd or move to a different title (AV DVD player connected via HDMI to receiver, and receiver to TV). So I ad... | |
Why should audiophile deniers be allowed on an audiophile forum? Audiophile (as with any ...phile" just means people who are ’emotional’ about a subject, and beyond (measurable) reason. Since there is no objective way to, the door is wide open for ’opinions’. Other examples are discussions about GOAT (any), ca... | |
Why do folks spend more on electronics than on speakers? Because we are dumb! By far the biggest deviation from the (whatever it is) ideal signal chain is caused by the speakers (and the room). Logic dictates that this is where the best bang/buck can be achived (not that more $$$ automatically results... | |
Speaker relative efficiency/sensitivity when using a high pass filter Similar but different question: with crossover (12 db/octave) at 200 Hz, how much (percentage) of the power goes to the low pass, how much to the high pass? Background: trying to determine (for class A or tube) what power rating for the amp I sh... | |
Cassette decks. How good can it get? Just curious: Dragon vs ZX9? | |
Class A or Tube (or else?) for high pass (bi amp) of Infinity Quantum 2 Accordign to the factory published diagram, tweeters are all the same. There may be a version for the 3+1 (rear firing EMIT). I would try with active 2 way signal split first (not sure what to do with the 'internal' 2 way paths for the bass). Bu... | |
Bi-amping Active bi-amping is obviously the best eliminating the passive elements in the signal path (big coils mainly, and caps; in some cases resistors). But even PASSIVE bi-amping can have significant benefits. Example: the 2 coil bass of my Infitiy ... | |
Question about Class A Just curious: I am thinking about by-amping my speakers (Quantum 2). With low/mid, mid/high and high being the high pass from 200 Hz (200/600/4000), how much power is needed? The idea is to use mean brute amp for thw Watkins (dual coil, dual cro... | |
CD transport vs.streaming Can someone explain to me how even in THEORY a ripped CD file can sound better than the CD itself (digital path, same DAC)? | |
Bi-amping Infinity Quantum 2 - mid/high amp Example for tube (for the highpass): 6F2 x 2, 6P1 x 4 Rated output power: 2x 12W | |
Infinity Quantum 2 - crossover rebuild - parts This schematic seems to show the non bi-amping version. Not sure if the one with 2 pairs of binding posts (rear Emit or not) has different values. Still don't see how the same crossover can be use for 3 Emit and 4 Emit WITHOUT changing some of th... | |
Can a rotel rb-1050 be bridged to mono? Darn. Anyone know the REASON? |