
Responses from kraftwerkturbo

You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
If my current soundstage is 2.3 meter wide, and I go up TWO levels with their cable, that's 30-40% improvement. That would make my sound stage now at least 2.99 meter. What if my room is only 2.89 meter wide?     
You know when you are dealing with a BS company....
I googled for the measuring instrument for they use to measure and verify their claim. Maybe they just should also be offering them from my line of products: 1) digital soundstage meter, accurate to 0.01% (metric) 2) digistal resolution analyzer... 
Best digital format (non streaming)
You are completely right (and wrong) by saying 'cart before the horse'. 40 years ago when I got into 'music', we already found ourselves 'putting the cart before the horse'. We (handful of friends) found ourselves with a decent stack of CLASSIC mu... 
Best digital format (non streaming)
Darn! The better my system gets, the more I find it difficult to listen to 'old favorites' that are just recorded horribly. And lesser and lesser recordings 'make it' into the 'play list'. Now starting to look into classical music hoping to find s... 
Willsenton R8 - how good?
I switched between the two 'modes' (full linear ??? and triode ???).  Full linear was 'livelier' and more 'in your face' (sound stage way forward compared to 'triode').  I was HOPING to hear the famous 'tube softness' compared to the solid state... 
B&W Nautilus 804 - how good are they
No diamonds in this one:     
B&W Nautilus 804 - how good are they
Lets make the price point under <$1,800 for discussion purpose.     
Best Basic CD Player (no SACD, USB, etc.)
i didn't see the OP providing the budget expressly. But $300 should get a nice CD player. What about the always thrown into the discussion Oppo 103 (?) that goes for $300 (used)?  
Audio signal sensing auto on/off switch
  Sure this box can use 12DV trigger, not just a digital input?     
Audio signal sensing auto on/off switch
Good idea (to use the existing 'load sensing' power strip to control a heavy duty power relay (assuming that the big amp will melt the strip/contacts).     
Audio signal sensing auto on/off switch
I forgot that I had a 'fancy' power strip here (bought and forgot). Now looking at it, it has a 'main' and some 'controlled' outlets. When the 'main' draws power (turned on), the 'controlled' outlets are turned on as well. Works in the test setup ... 
Best digital format (non streaming)
That is what I suspect. The difference was too obvious to be explained with a bad DAC in the CD player (vs. the Modi 3). I need to read the (exhaustive) manual of the receiver and its setting to ensure comparability.     
Best digital format (non streaming)
The difference was so obvious, that I actaully start to suspecdt that the RECEIVER is treating the analog in different (maybe has some 'sound enhancing' switched on) compared to the digital in from the CD player. I will repeat the test in 2 differ... 
Best digital format (non streaming)
"CD is best": I have a decent (for my level/aspirations) receiver with a DAC. And my CD player has also a built in DAC. As a first 'try', I would like to compare the CD player analog into receiver vs. CD player digital out (and conversion in the ... 
Budget friendly receiver choice
I think that goes for anything 'mid level'. It is useless to 'qualify'  mid vs high xxxx in any field, wether it is a $250,000 turntable or a $2.5 Mio car (but the factor is 1000 for the turntable (vs mid xxx) and only 100 ($25,000 for a 'mid car'...