

Responses from kr4

Is Bass Non-Directional In A Two-Channel Rig?
Off the rails again. 
Is Bass Non-Directional In A Two-Channel Rig?
Theaudiotweak:A room an enclosure and free air are all passive radiators so they all must be incompetent.C'mon. The dimensions are quite different and, therefore, so are the frequencies. Besides, those are a constant so that adding a sub will make... 
Is Bass Non-Directional In A Two-Channel Rig?
"Again the box/enclosure is a giant passive upward frequency generator." Only if the design/construction is incompetent.Kal 
Is Bass Non-Directional In A Two-Channel Rig?
"Try putting the sub in a corner..."Only if you want to excite all the primary modes of the room.Kal 
Is Bass Non-Directional In A Two-Channel Rig?
"In the old days of analog only, the answer was yes. Drive by a bar/dance club at night and you will only hear/feel the bass....sometimes the voices...but try to hear a cymbal..."Irrelevant. That has to do with sound absorption issues.Kal 
Is Bass Non-Directional In A Two-Channel Rig?
It should be non-directional but the timing issues remain, anyway, especially with wireless connections that introduce 10-20msec or more of delay. This can work but putting the sub up front with a wired connection makes it a lot easier.Kal 
Sony XA5400 v Opp BDP-93 & DVDO Edge
If you want to compare the players, why send one through another processor and let the other bypass the processor? That is not how to compare them. 
Using XLR cables on the Sony 5400 SACD player?
And make sure the power cord is plugged in. 
how to upgrade 802 N?
Yeah, well something on the order of the TacT or DEQX would do it.Kal 
Using XLR cables on the Sony 5400 SACD player?
Every XLR that I have tried. What is unusual about the Neutriks you have?Kal 
how to upgrade 802 N?
Get a decent subwoofer, a crossover and a subEQ. That way, you will get better bass extension and power and not have to butcher the 802Ns.Kal 
Anyone experienced with EQ on Classe SSP 800?
You can use either RoomEQ Wizard or XTZ to measure and calculate the necessary filters. You can get more sophisticated methods but, if you are asking the basic question, stick with the basic solutions.Kal 
Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?
I still have most of my vinyl because I have not found a way to transfer it to someone else in a fair and efficient manner. Some years back, I sold all my opera sets to someone newly arrived in NYC and wanting to get a headstart. We agreed on a mu... 
psudo Center channel from stereo
This is is one way: http://www.ampzilla2000.com/trinaural.htmlAnother way is to build a simple mixer to combine the L/R signals without shorting them.Kal 
psudo Center channel from stereo
The Hafler circuit gives you a difference signal (intended for pseudo-surround) and you want a summed signal for a center.Kal