

Responses from kr4

6 channel volume controller?
Ooops. You are correct. It has been a long time. That leaves the AR MP-1 but I am surprised that are no others. Can I ask you what your 6channel balanced source is?Kal 
6 channel volume controller?
Let's be even more explicit. Are you looking for a 6-channel balanced in/out preamp with one or more inputs?Bel Canto Pre6Audio Research MP1The Audio Refinement Pre5 has no balanced in/outs. If one can live without the balanced in/outs, the Sony T... 
6 channel volume controller?
Meitner, Audio Research, BelCanto made them.Kal 
Drive two speakers from one amp?
Why use just one and avoid impedance and imaging issues?Kal 
Two Channel -- DTS Master - HD Audio?
Most modern players have decent channel management and easily output 2.0 (or any other channel configuration) from HD tracks.Kal 
Two Channel -- DTS Master - HD Audio?
Answers to your questions:1. Yes.2. Yes.3. Yes.4. Nothing is lost except the surround effect. It is still lossless.5. Cannot say. It depends on what your equipment and ears tell you. Kal 
Suggestions for new AV Pre-Pro
"The best advise is usually from forums like this."Perhaps but how can one distinguish it from the rest?Kal 
Suggestions for new AV Pre-Pro
With the virtual disappearance of brick-and-mortar stores, it has become impossible (it used to be only difficult) for a prospective purchaser to compare products side-by-side. The remaining stores carry fewer lines, too.So, the prospective purcha... 
Room Treatment for Corners - Recommendations?
Yes, it eludes many of us. 
BDP-95 & XA5400ES: HDMI v analog
I cannot make the comparison between HDMI output and analog output in any way that it would be meaningfully useful to others since it would depend on the device(s) to which the outputs were connected. For example, I could connect the HDMI output t... 
Suggestions for new AV Pre-Pro
It ain't just roomEQ but other features such as bass management that are, well, quirky. Since you are using the Simaudio for 2 channel and mch L/R, I would go with the Marantz, even for sound quality with digital sources.Kal 
Suggestions for new AV Pre-Pro
The Cary 11a is a great sounding prepro (I have not heard the 12) but both are not as capable for HT, particularly with regard to roomEQ. I would sooner suggest the Marantz matched with a decent analog preamp that has an HD passthrough, like the P... 
Genesis V problems ... thud when there's no music
There is also the option of running the bass amp via the regular speaker wires. You might try disconnecting the RCA and seeing if that makes a difference. Overall, though, you need the user's manual to set it up right and possibly the servo amp ma... 
Suggestions for new AV Pre-Pro
For 2-channel music, I would give the edge to Marantz. Kal 
Suggestions for new AV Pre-Pro
Any of the standard recommendations will fit your needs:Integra 80.2Onkyo 5508Marantz 7005