

Responses from kr4

Shorting the speaker wires
??? Unless the bananas are of the locking type, I think they are less secure and more likely to short (more exposed metal) than spades. Their major advantage is convenience for reconnections.Kal 
What's the bottom line on Oppo 980 for CD playback
The Oppos are not the be-all/end-all for players but one reason for their low prices is that they are direct-marketed and that Oppo does not advertise anywhere but on the web. In any case, you might consider going beyond such theoreticals and actu... 
Pre-Pro Suggestions?
The Cirrus chips have been released.Kal 
CD/DVD Player with variable output volume control?
Oppo 983. ;-)Kal 
question about grills....
Didn't we do this already?In any case, I would definitely leave the grills on if you have any concern at all about the cats paying attention to them. Let them destroy the grills.Kal 
Will a new Preamp sovle my Problem?
If you cannot deal with the acoustics, you are doomed to patchwork as nothing(!) will do as well. WAF is a problem which can be dealt with by consideration, stealth and psychology.Kal 
Will a new Preamp sovle my Problem?
Room treatment? 
Passive Biamping?
That's what is needed. They are available from various sources ranging from musical instrument shops to Cardas. Kal 
Help with pre pro
It has a 6 channel analog input which will let you input 5.1 analog sources including the output from BR players with built-in decoders for HD formats. Not all BR players will do that.In addition, it does not offer any room EQ facilities that are ... 
power conditioner with off switch
My APC15s have a power switch and battery back-up.Kal 
Satellite Radio & a DAC
You can't put back what isn't there.Kal 
True HD without HDMI?
"...I'm not going to bother asking why anyone in their right minds would include HDMI in a 7.1 HTIB only to have it be made completely useless by passing it through to the TV speakers." As my mother would say, "Cheap is cheap." They keep the price... 
best of both worlds can u get a musical multi amp?
Just puzzlement. Some MCH amps have channels with independant power supplies so they only share the chassis and power cord. 
Suggestions for a good 3 channel amp
Get a powered sub and stick with a 2 channel amp.Kal 
Brain Teaser: Biamp or biwire w/limited rack space
2. with or without the biwiring.Kal