

Responses from kotta

Are BFA Connectors sold anywhere in the US
Look up "Arcam" in the manfacturer directory and this should take you to the US distributor, ASL Group. Give them a call. The BFA's they sold me a few years back were of high quality and they accepted 9/10 ga. bare wire w/ a screw used for securin... 
Options for Integrated amp?
If you're considering using the RA-972 as a pre-amp you may want to match it w/a Rotel RB-990 amp. Many years ago when Iwas considering an amp change I talked to quite a few dealers and got the feeling that this was a great amp. One dealer, whom h... 
Anyone have problems with Arcam digital gear
Let me confirm the statement the the people at ASL Group are great. My one dealing w/them left a very positive impression and I would not hesitate to do business w/them again. 
Why my system has detail but no body & warm vocal?
Your system has bright spks, electronics and spk.wire/interconnects. First off I would change spk. wire/intercommects. Add after-market power cord to your Ra-972 if possible. Electrical outlet may be old and needs to be replaced. If these changes ... 
Speakers you regret selling
I like Timo answer! Ditto...I regret giving equipmemt to "friends" and not getting paid what little I was asking! I do perhaps regret trading in an old pr. of Fisher XP-7's for some stupid spks. in the 70's. 
Need some advice....Please
The Rotel 970 has a fixed cord, 5-yr. warranty, (Rotel quality) and I believe MC/MM selector. For $199. If you're looking for new this is alot for the $. Also there is the Projet for something like $129 new that would merit consideration but I'm n... 
Decent starter cables?
For speaker cables I would start out with Kimber Kable's 4VS. I believe it's under $3 @ ft. Buy a good wire striper and terminate yourself and use no connectors. As far as interconnects go, I recommend Straightwire "Musically II/Chorus" and if you... 
budget amplification - what to get?
Roc Doc. Did you buy your Marantz new/used? If you got a good $ on a new Marantz from an authorized dealer please send me an e-mail where you bought from. Thanks, Bill 
Starting out
You seem to have a good sense of judgement. ARC/ Rogue/ Jadis need to be included as well. I personally have never heard any of these, but the CJ sure looks nice and I'm sure it has a nice/warm/mellow presentation which on the human voice must be ... 
what's my problem?
First look at your electrical outlet. Replace if in doubt w/ a new one. (2) A good power cord to your Unico. DIY $40/Beldon 83802. (3) Replace interconnects/spk. wire. (4) Let equipment break/settle in. (5)Change tube/s in Unico.(6) Decide if spks... 
speaker stand question
Get a 4-5" tall object and put them on your spk. stand. Place your spks. on top. See how they sound to YOUR ears. If they sound perfect, that's all that matters. I would think they will sound brighter and the bottom-end/midrange would not be as wa... 
Affordable intergrated with quality phono stage
NAD 312, Arcam 9/Delta 290, Rotel RA-932, Rega. If you want to see a nice Luxman Int. amp (SQ 507x), check out e-bay. The older int. amps of the 70's and 80's were built like tanks and they all offered phono stages. Maybe you should look in that d... 
Best CD player under $500 used?
Cal Icon MkII. Warm sounding and built like a tank. Upgrade power cord and you're in business. Others have favored the NAD CDP's. I hope the new models are better than the older models because of the two older ones I've owned I was not impressed w... 
nad 370 upgrade
Of the dealers I have spoken with, I sense they heavily favor the Mistral int. amps as being the most musical ss for the $. The YBA is another that seems to garnish favorable opinions from the fine folks here on AudioGon. Good Luck in your quest! ... 
Integrated Preamp/Tuner?
NAD Monitor Series 1600/1700. Owned the 1700 and enjoyed it very much. Nice simple remote. Tone controls w/variable turn-over points. Wonderful Bass-EQ switch. Rotary dial for tuning. Overall a very nice piece of equipment.