
Responses from knownothing

Why Do Cables Matter?
And this:  
Why Do Cables Matter?
@donavabdear  Some food for thought.–%20Netherlands%20July%202017 https://www.medicaldesi... 
Why Do Cables Matter?
@1971gto455ho  I am not sure he’s even wandering in the same forest.  
Why Do Cables Matter?
@1971gto455ho  More like shot and missed.  Multiple times.  
Why Do Cables Matter?
@cleeds  100%.   
Why Do Cables Matter?
@donavabdear  Please read my last post and reflect.  Then get some cables and try them.  
Why Do Cables Matter?
@donavabdear  says: “Why do audiophiles think that inserting a very high quality AC cable between the romex and the Amp fuse makes the audio signal change (there is no audio until after the transformer where the power is changed to DC). (Also I'v... 
Why Do Cables Matter?
@thyname  ”wow”.  100%  
Why Do Cables Matter?
@donavabdear I will venture at least one guess as to the cause of your intense resistance to listening seriously to and evaluating premium audio cables, and soldering on to come up with all manner of irrelevant excuses for why it can’t make a di... 
Why Do Cables Matter?
@donavabdear  PS#2 - nice system and room by the way. kn  
Why Do Cables Matter?
@donavabdear  Have you ever been involved in a blind test comparing an array of, say, digital cables of different price points and quality rotated in a decent (not even SOTA) home sound system in a purpose built listening room and comparing acros... 
Why Do Cables Matter?
@donavabdear  You say: ”Super turbo mega cables inserted between a skinny fuse and the crossover wire a speaker can't make a difference just like inserting a firehose between two garden hoses can't make a difference. In physics in called Kickoffs... 
Why Do Cables Matter?
@donavabdear we are apparently talking past each other here a bit.  To the degree you called me out on that, you sound like my wife.  She is quite smart, so that’s a compliment.   Like others who just posted to this thread, I never said I was try... 
Why Do Cables Matter?
I trained as a biological oceanographer, and my experience with electronics beyond plugging them in and turning them on is taking delicate research instruments out of the ocean where a seal leaked and trying to resuscitate them 1,000 away from the... 
Why Do Cables Matter?
@yoyoyaya says in response to @donavabdear : “Your argument implies that because recordings are made with components of a particular level of quality, then using better quality components to reproduce them is pointless. That argument is specious f...