
Responses from knghifi

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Thanks to brownsfan, now I'm using all SR Black fuses.   This time I ordered one from vhaudio and the other from highend-electronics.  Both offer free shipping and overall excellent service.   We can't have enough reliable vendors. 
czarivey2,521 posts03-22-2016 2:27pmSometimes USPS looses items on international shipments. I'd say close to 1...2% chance.So what company has a ZERO% losing an item or 100% tracking record? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I think with the latest advances in fuse manufacture, that the old adage that "no fuse sounds best" may now be incorrect. But only with patience and a thorough investigation will we some day know. Say what?  Are you serious?   The more in the ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
My friend Jim Uban is the local Line Magnetic dealer.   I'm sure he can help. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
almarg6,233 posts03-21-2016 5:10pmNo, they don't make cables. But they do offer some special edition watches, at much lower prices than a Rolex. :-)Regards,-- AlYea, forget the PERFORMANCE specs but will it appreciate like a Rolex? :-):-)  
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
I have a Porsche hat and t-shirt.   They use to build a bicycle but I'll check on the cables with performance specs. 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
chrshanl37317 posts03-21-2016 3:22pmCleeds where did I use the word preference? I am talking strictly performance. Things that can be measured hello!!!!! Handling, braking, acceleration. This is not a subjective difterence. You don’t get behind a ... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
jl35933 posts03-21-2016 3:33pmI agree that auto performance is easier to measure than audio performance... Why can't you get specs from the cable companies and buy strictly on superior specs?  Capacitance, Impedance ...   Remember Julian Hirsch... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
68pete,  I was wondering with P10 in the chain, why do you need a  Hemisphere?    I have my MC-6 and Weizhi PRS-6 plugged directly to dedicated 20A wall outlets.    I unplug everything in thunderstorms.   I wonder if my home owner insurance cov... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
maplegrovemusic471 posts03-20-2016 8:47pmKnghifi - Do you realize if you and another person are present when you are swapping cables that the two of might not agree what sounds "better" between the two of you ?  One can simply comprehend the dif... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
chrshanl37314 posts03-20-2016 8:08pmknghifi no need to state the obvious here and remember I did not start this thread. I only chimmed in after reading all of the irrational arguments. I will ask you one more time....if you are convinced the per... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
chrshanl37313 posts03-20-2016 4:34pmMany of us can agree that cables do indeed make a difference but the point of the thread was about expensive cables. Expensive is all relative.   Has it ever cross your mind what's expensive to you inexpensive... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
dynaquest43 posts03-20-2016 11:42am2. Anyone who spent hundreds or thousands of $$$ on cables/interconnects is NEVER going to admit he may have overspent or made a mistake or suggest that maybe what differences do occur with expensive cables wer... 
why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable
maplegrovemusic Any chance in your wires appreciating ? What part of purchasing decisions are made from various reasons you just can't seem to grasp??    
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
68pete176 posts03-20-2016 10:46amHi lakI am using a older Transparent power cord to feed my Hemisphere. It is plugged into  PSaudio P10. Have been very happy with it so far.Just curious, have you tried Hemisphere direct to wall outlet bypassing ...