
Responses from knghifi

High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
jmcgrogan2,Your MC-0.5 experience mirrors mine so I understand your conclusion EXCEPT I have an additional chapter.2 MC-0.5, sounds good but tight so moved to HT system. Like you, I'm very busy and can't listen daily plus all tube system with 8... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
I think majority of people found MC 0.5 sounds dark and hard initially and requires many hours of breaking in.  I never got the impression from anyone that MC 0.5 works for everyone.    As matter of fact, everything is a matter personal preference... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I have ~25 hours on my 7 SR Blacks and it sounds very good. The sound opened up ~5 hours and never analytical.   Most noticeable difference between SR Red is more organic, musical and less hifi-ish.   Probably due to UEF patch on the fuse? 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
One great example is "Belafonte at Carniegie Hall" recorded live in 1959 I have the 96/24 download and is phenominal.   One of the best recordings.  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
wolf_garcia2,475 posts04-19-2016 1:02pmSo to sum up, the clarity, texture, sound staging, coherence, scent, otherworldliness, mojo, mass appeal, appeal to those in MA (where I live), bass profundity, basso gonzo delecto, air around instruments, ... 
Power Cables
In your budget, checkout used HiDiamond P3     Excellent cable for the money.   
Opinions on Audio Research Ref 5SE vs. Modwright 36.5DM
I think the 5SE is off my contender list as the input impedance match is bad. Dan has posted on these pages in the past that his 36.5's output is transformer coupled so good for loads down to 10k and below so I am comfortable with that. I don't... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
denon1,Have you tried plugging in your neighbors house?  I heard plugging in neighbor's house is an option if out of outlets.  Just kidding ... couldn't resist.  LOL!!!Sounds like your MC 0.5 is not broken in.   Several of us experienced same ... 
VAC 160iSE integrated with NOLA speakers
agriculturist, you should ask Kevin when he's offering IQ upgrade for 160iSE.  :-):-)  Real time bias will definitely improve SQ. 
VAC 160iSE integrated with NOLA speakers
agriculturist, Haven't read Kevin's interview yet.  My brother has the TAS. 
What makes an expensive speaker expensive
But for every TAD, Wilson. Magico, and other six-figure speaker, there are 3- and 4-figure speakers that satisfy the listener to the same extent. until they experience TAD, Wilson, Magico ... 
VAC 160iSE integrated with NOLA speakers
agriculturist, I don't own 200IQs. Just found the technology fascinating and if sounds as good, then something I will be interested in. 200IQ is transformer coupled output with IQ bias  
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
ddraudt475 posts04-17-2016 12:59pmJustubes2, I have heard a demo where MC-0.5s made an improvement even connected to non audio ac lines. Less effect there but very noticeable.How's it possible if not on the same circuit?   I have 2 20 amp dedica... 
VAC 160iSE integrated with NOLA speakers
Have ~25 hours on my VAC SigMKIIa pre upgraded to SE and hearing similar improvements described from 160i to 160iSE.    Blacker background, lower noise, improved transparency, organic, timbre, musicality ...  a totally different preamp and for the... 
VAC 160iSE integrated with NOLA speakers
agriculturist OP76 posts04-15-2016 11:33pmFWIW as an update I went back to using the stock VAC fuse from the SR Red fuse and now find myself actually liking those best.I know another VAC owner prefer the stock fuse in his 300.1a and audiophile f...