

Responses from kijanki

Where is the optimal place to have an interface between two different metals?
Power cable has two conductors hence two junctions generating voltages in opposite directions that cancel each other.  Even with small DC voltage there would be no distortion, not to mention that there is always small amount of DC on AC lines. 
Class D Technology
Yes, sometimes there is additional circuitry to Icepower modules.  For instance my small Rowland has additional instrumentation amp (THAT1200), that improves common mode noise rejection as well as increases standard 10k input impedance to 40k.  Bo... 
Class D Technology
Perhaps in traditional multistage amps.  I'm not also sure what the "voicing" means.  Would this imply that two different amps with the same Mosfet input stage are voiced exactly the same?  As I said - a lot of hot air.  Manufacturers of expensive... 
Class D Technology
I'm not sure what this "class A input stage" is.  Input stages are almost always class A (would be stupid not to), but class D amp is pretty much one stage - a modulator + output transistors.  Any additional input stage is not advantageous to clas... 
Which is better Coax or Optical cables
thankful - it is system thing. What works for one system might not work for another (even for the same system but in different location). Transitions in optical cable are very slow, therefore it is sensitive to system noise (varying threshold poin... 
Ferrofluid tweeter
My Hyperion HPS-938 speakers use ferrofluid for 6.5" midrange driver suspension (no spiderweb) and most likely in 1" short horn dome tweeter. They are at least 5 years old but I cannot hear any sound deterioration (I think). Hyperion Sound doesn’t... 
Darn Chromebook not playing well with Parasound ZDAC
It could be software setting, but many people have problems with Amazon Music.  Try to update program and the system.  You also have Google Play Music available on Chromebook.  Does it work? 
Dumb question #643: should speaker cables last a lifetime?
Copper oxide slows down further oxidation. 
Class D Technology
Ok, let me clarify then: I cannot hear 500kHz, not only because of my hearing apparatus (at my age I have difficulty hearing 15kHz), but also because tweeter’s output drops like a rock with combined effect of membrane inertia and increasing tweete... 
Dumb question #643: should speaker cables last a lifetime?
Let's look from technical viewpoint.  Small amount of DC voltage on the amp's output, always present, causes drift of electrons called "drift velocity".  After a while all high quality electrons, that you paid for,  will be replaced by plain ordin... 
High Current Outlet for Amps?
Krell recommends minimum 20A circuit. They specify 75W at standby, 350W at idle (whatever it means) and 3000W at max.  Pure class A amp would draw max power all the time, equivalent to 25A on 120VAC supply.Outlets in my home are 15A style but al... 
High Current Outlet for Amps?
My power amp is plugged into high current outputs of Furman Elite 20PFi conditioner that is able to deliver 55 amperes peak current.  They call it Power Factor Correction.  It is achieved by huge inductor followed by big capacitor that stores en... 
Class D Technology
seanheis1  +1 
High Current Outlet for Amps?
It depends on the class of amplifier, as randy-11 stated.  With typical class AB amp music power is very low, being only a few percent of peak power (unless you listen to sine waves).   It is because average 50% of loudness is only 10% of peak pow... 
best network switch configuration for audio
+1 erik_squiresThere are high quality SMPS but unfortunately the most of them, especially wall warts, produce a lot of switching noise.  It is practically impossible to avoid them (light dimmers etc.) but noise can be filtered out.  I use Furman E...