

Responses from kijanki

Two-channel is inferior to multi-channel, no?
Eldartford"A discrete center. All playback, even that recorded with only two channels, sounds better with a center (derived). This has been known since the earliest days of stereo."On my 2 channel system I can hear voices at exact positions in the... 
bridging a Adcom GFA 545
Chuck - your speaker is still 8 ohms but voltage doubles making it 4x instead of 2x. If you think in terms of virtual ground that divides speaker into two 4 ohm pieces then you'll get 2x in each (same voltage, half impedance) but together it's 4x.... 
Surge protection, no filtering, no regen please...
You cannot really protect from strong direct hit since it creates plasma 1 foot wide and you need very thick wire and grounding rod to return it to earth, but any protection is better than none (protects from line spikes and indirect hits). I woul... 
XLR interconnects?
Lacee - I'm 56 but most of my experience relates to electronics. Audiogon is an opportunity for me to learn more."Because I direct solder most of the time." I agree to get rid of connectors when possible but soldering introduces another metal - AQ... 
Acoustic Zen Satori VS Analysis Plus Oval 9
Satori - according to reviews has a little fuller lower midrange. It was perfect for my lean class D amp. Bass is strong and well controlled. 
Has Anyone Criticized The Choice Of Your Cables?
Nothing wrong with constructive criticism - I welcome you to judge my cables choice. To be in the same spirit I will tell you, in return, what I really think of your wife, your house and car choice. 
24 bit/44.1?
Dseanm - It has more to do with the type of converter than number of bits. Dac in your Monarchy (PCM63 - now discontinued) is traditional DAC with laser trimmed resistor divider while most of 24/192 DACs (if not all) are Delta-Sigma. There is noth... 
Amphenol glass toslinks - First impressions
Mattzack2 - What I said applies to "upsampling" DACs and not to your NOS DAC. With your DAC transport and cable will make big difference! 
Amphenol glass toslinks - First impressions
Mattzack2 - You're right. I was referring to coax (either 75 or 110 ohm). I don't consider fiber optics a cable (in electrical sense). I don't know much about USB. The reason for Toslink being inferior is slow voltage-light conversion and therefor... 
Amphenol glass toslinks - First impressions
Mattzack2 - it sounds different because affect light transmission and therefore jitter. Jitter is a noise in time domain and affect clarity of the sound. Digital cables are in general better with jitter than toslinks but there are also jitter reje... 
SPDIF Cable Length Critical?
Seasoned - Everything depends on the DAC that you'll use. With jitter rejecting upsampling DAC (like Benchmark) quality of cable is not important at all (as well as transport) and you can use 1000' - doesn't matter. Optical might even help you to ... 
XLR interconnects?
Lacee - what you said about Europeans being ahead of US in HDTV having it for years is not exactly true.First standard program (other than test transmissions) HDTV transmission in Europe happened in January 2004. I bought my HDTV TV in 2001/2002 a... 
XLR interconnects?
Lacee - Saying things like "you're obviously young" or "you have a lot to learn" is immature and rude. I don't know what gave you an idea that I'm young. I hope you don't claim to be older just to give more weight to your statements - that would b... 
Sonic Frontier Line One with Class D Amp?
Coffey - It doesn't do 2 ohms. Minimum is 3 ohms. 
Sonic Frontier Line One with Class D Amp?
Robbie - I cannot comment on synergy with Sonic Frontiers but I have Rowland Model 102. At the time I bought it it was $1500 while Bel Canto S300 was $1600. Not only that Rowland has great reputation and is known for beautiful cases but also one r...