

Responses from kijanki

Why do digital cables sound different?
RjaQuestion has been answered many times. Digital cables introduce jitter. Jitter creates sidebands at very small level not harmonically related to root frequency. It is basically noise in time domain. Noise is reducing resolution, imaging, clarit... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Blindjim - I'm sure there are preamps that won't drive well low input impedance (like 10k) of the power amp but it should be rather sound quality than its level. Assuming high output impedance - let say 1k and input impedance of 10k it will divide... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Blindjim - I have similar problem. My 100W/8 ohm amp is driven by the Benchmark DAC1 used as line stage (volume control). Benchmark allows to adjust gain (jumpers inside) in 10dB steps but for some reason, I can't explain, it affects the sound. Th... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Macrojack - strange coincidence, I just finished cooking shiitaki mushrooms with beans in sesame oil with ginger and toasted sesame seeds. Can you make it here in next 5-10 min. I will wait. 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Guido - Both have power supply built-in and connect to mains. 200ASC has switcher while 250ASP has traditional power supply. The strange thing is that there is no large transformer on the module - only something that looks like big choke on EI typ... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Guido - 250ASP uses traditional power supply while 200ASC has SMPS. 250ASP delivers 250W at 1% THD while 200ASC is 230W at the same 1% distortion level. Bel Canto specifies S300 and M300 amps as 300W (200ASC) because it is at 10% THD. I concluded ... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Raquel - I read review and could not find any reference to $9800. It states clearly in product description that it is v1.5 and MSRP is $12800. Are you saying that reviewers have to mention MSRPs of previous versions. For what purpose? Am I missing... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
"Mr. Corona's writings about Rowland on this forum, and his review of the revised Vienna Acoustics Mahler for TAS, are indeed curious"Raquel - Beauty is in the eye of beerholder. If Mr. Corona likes Rowland's gear let him write about it. I hope yo... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
"Perhaps it is time we cleaned up this website and eliminated all the product favoritism displayed by regulars on this website"I second that - we should not express any negative or positive opinions about anything since "Arguments are extremely vu... 
Is too much power in an amp really a problem?
Dodgealum - it is complicated. 60A peak current but at what output voltage? for how long? Why do you need 60A? Even on 1 ohm load it would deliver 3600W.1000W Icepower (1000ASP) can deliver 40A for about 0.5s. Minimum load is specified as 2 ohm. I... 
Clio09 - in April 2009 issue of Stereophile (also on their website) they review Meridian 808.2 CD player. It is upsampling player with different algorithm digital filter. They claim it is the best player they've heard ever (and better be for $16k)... 
Cleaneduphippy - I'm sorry for sounding condescending. It is fuzzy issue with transport being adequate or not since it is difficult to spend over $5k for the transport or even get the loaner to listen at home. In addition differences might become ... 
Benchmark DAC1 Pre - anybody heard a mod?
Richlane - I agree he should at least try tube preamp (I should too). 
Benchmark DAC1 Pre - anybody heard a mod?
Richlane - I agree, sound is far from warm and full but clarity and transparency is unprecedented. I drive directly class D power amp with good results but also know that people who combined Benchmark with tube gear were very happy. I would still ... 
Jtwrace - I heard Valab recently at Mattzack2 place with very good tube gear and Dali speakers. It is really nice. I'm planning to insert my Benchmark into exactly same setup to compare. The main idea behind Valab is not the NOS itself but increas...