

Responses from kijanki

On a scale of one to ten how would you rate.......
Al - Thank you for the link. I believe that grounding shield at both ends is a mistake but there are some studies showing improvement with high frequency noise rejection. One important thing they mentioned in the article is to NEVER defeat ground ... 
On a scale of one to ten how would you rate.......
My Rowland class D amp has only XLR inputs (mature decision) so I cannot compare but from what I've heard balanced gives a little more air. There is another reason for using XLR different from the sound quality, It is an arrangement of connectors ... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Bryoncunningham - we have two problems here:First - you believe that more neutral sound will be a joy to most of the people - not true. People like particular sound of their system (coloring, attack, decay reverberation etc.) even it it is not exa... 
Bass reinforcement for very large room
Smaller room - let say 15x15 will amplify 40Hz (1150/15/2=38Hz) creating effect of bass pressure while 30x30 room amplifies 20Hz not present in music material therefore sounding more flat (natural). 
Recommendation for speaker wire upgrade
"A quick, inexpemsive trip to Home Depot for purchase of their 12 gauge speaker wire is needed to finally put your 'cable monster' to rest. Keep an open mind, please. It will change your audio life, forever."Absolutely agree - it will change your ... 
Meridian 808.2 CD Player......
Mert - I just had impression from your statement that you think J.A was talking about SACD performance. You are entitled to your opinions but for me, at least, J.A opinion counts more. And this is just an opinion. 
USB Length, jitter and Volume Control Questions
I have the same setup as Shadorne and also cannot hear the difference between Aiport Express and CDP (same Benchmark DAC1)."Front Row" on Leopard doesn't work with Airport Express and that's what Airfoil is for. It can transfer Front Row/Itunes or... 
Recommendation for speaker wire upgrade
Hi5harry - if it's not used for a while it needs break in again. For that reason Audioquest polarizes dielectric with DC voltage (close to 100V now) from attached battery. 
Bass reinforcement for very large room
Paul - 938s, in spite of quite large bass cabinet, are rated only 35Hz. It could be lower but I think they tuned port to get less distortions and not the extension. Sub in that case will serve dual purpose. Sub that equalizes itself and has phase ... 
Recommendation for speaker wire upgrade
I used AQ Indigo long time ago and upgraded to Acoustic Zen Satori - very nice speaker cable 
DAC that re-clocks for under $1000?
Benchmark DAC1 ($995) 
Meridian 808.2 CD Player......
"Forget what John Atkinson said about dcs and meridian. It is the red book performance what makes puccini so special"Meridian 802.2 is not SACD player. John Atkinson was talking about Meridian's redbook performance. 
Bass reinforcement for very large room
Drew - Are you talking about peaks and valleys caused by standing waves or just room resonances? I read that Planars and Electrostats are praised for the lack of nodes/standing waves - I guess this is the 180 degree back wave type. I never had thi... 
Bass reinforcement for very large room
One more thought - have you tried to rotate bass units? it shouldn't affect imagining since crossover cuts at 220Hz. I assume you have standing wave along the room. Directing bass units inward toward sidewalls might change it (but it looks ugly). ... 
Bass reinforcement for very large room
I'm not sure you need two subs. Scheme with two subs is often used when you need to equalize bass in large listening area (home theater with many rows of seats). For fixed listening position one sub properly placed should be ok especially one that...