

Responses from kijanki

logical steps up from DacMagic?
Elberoth2 - You can always find reviewer that likes one DAC more than other. Look what abouthifi.com said about it in very long detailed review of V-DAC"As for the V-DAC’s status versus Benchmark’s DAC 1, the latter clearly held its advantage in e... 
Magnetic flux vibration damper?
Douglas - I was just hoping to sell you two of these 9.4 Tesla MRI machines that my son-in-law is researching at UIC (I can get you a good discount). They are kind of large but this hobby requires some sacrifices. 
Magnetic flux vibration damper?
I read once about IC sensitivity to vibration - specifically inexpensive Audioquest Topaz had been claimed to be "audible". I repeated test myself setting amp to max loudness and hitting cable with a pencil. It was audible in the speakers. There w... 
logical steps up from DacMagic?
If Benchmark then get newer revision - first years had problems (thin sounding op-amps and high unbalanced output impedance). 
Static noise connecting DAC via toslink
Ajackson1 - I found on Apple forum similar problem:http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=9476112It looks like Mac Mini removes carrier (red light) after 30s with no signal and some receivers don't like it generating a lot of static. I... 
Static noise connecting DAC via toslink
Tsugury - According this article they tested cables with device (Bel Canto DAC2) that completely (over 100dB rejection) rejects jitter. Bel Canto DAC2 is based on AD1896 - same upsampler used in Benchmark DAC1. Benchmark tested DAC1 with about tho... 
Static noise connecting DAC via toslink
Ejlif - I agree. Something else is wrong. Toslink is notorious for jitter and while jitter is noise (in time domain) it shows only when signal is present. With no signal it should be quiet.Ajackson1 - Jitter creates sidebands not harmonically rela... 
Toslink or 110 ohm aes/ebu?
In spite of your suggestion of Stereophile dishonesty I would rather trust their opinion then yours. Monarchy (second link) that measured jitter does not have any interest one way or another.There are valid technical reasons why Toslink is worse. ... 
Full Range Speaker That Can Play Near Boundaries
Hyperion HPS-938 - very natural and warm with incredible midrange. No fatigue and no coloration. Seamless transition from bass unit to midrange and from midrange to tweeter. Very dynamic fast bass with great control. Imaging is also great - laid b... 
Two-channel is inferior to multi-channel, no?
Cdwallace - Not only that my system has potential to be unlocked but any system has this potential. I know we're not talking cheap home theater but that is where center channel helps the most. In my system imaging is close to perfect and sweet spo... 
Toslink or 110 ohm aes/ebu?
Toslink was measured to have on average twice jitter of coax. It is because of additional conversions to light and back and relatively slow optoelectronics. I have no clue how Toslink can improve your bass performance since it affects only jitter ... 
DVR - Is there a stand alone unit?
DVDPal (sold by Sears) does not require subscription but is only for OTA signal. 
Two-channel is inferior to multi-channel, no?
Cdwallace3 - I'm not sure how center channel would help in my system where I have center images right on the spot and midrange is very clear but I suspect it helps a lot with center image and voice presence on cheap satellite home theater system a... 
Can Mac/PC compete with High End CDT??
If electronics resonates on soft feet it can have (if any) unpredictable results. Not only that soft feet can provide nice isolation from vibration (as Vibrapods do) but there is no way of telling how it might affect the sound (if at all). As I sa... 
Help me solve static electricity problem
There are two separate issues IMHO - to prevent static and to prevent damage from static. Damage from static can be prevented by grounding chassis directly to earth ground.