

Responses from kijanki

How loud is loud, What DB is actually loud?
If you replace one 8ohm speaker with two 16ohm speakers in parallel then area will double but power to each speaker will half and SPL will stay the same.Two 8ohm speakers in parallel will receive total of 2x power resulting in 3dB increase in SPL.... 
How essential is shielding?
Mapman - who knows? It is a little like ghost chasing. I'm in this business (designing electronics) for a very long time (32 years) finding something strange every single day. 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
I'd like to mention that 192kHz applies to incoming signal while DACs have much lower THD distortions around 100kHz. For that reason Benchmark decided to ouput data to DAC at around 110kHz. 
How essential is shielding?
Hasse, Active shielding means placing buffered common mode signal back on the shield thus reducing capacitance and therefore pickup. It is technique widely used in low level amps like EKG amps but Synergistic's definition is different. They just c... 
Success Rolling Opamps in EE Minimax DAC
Douglas_schroeder, Audio was ignored for a long time in op-amp design NE5532 being the first designed specifically for the audio. I'd like to try the newest OPA1612 that according to technology progress supposed to be light years ahead but I alrea... 
Which purchase tipped you into nirvana.
9.5ft Wow. We have tall ceilings now but I remember times we were living for many years in a hovel with such low ceilings we could only eat pancakes. 
Amp damping factor?
Bifwynne, It is a trade-off. Amplifiers with very high DF use a lot of negative feedback that enhances bright sounding odd harmonics. How much of DF do you need? It depends on the speaker damping and room acoustics and perhaps many other factors. ... 
Success Rolling Opamps in EE Minimax DAC
Cheap amps like NE5532 (in my Benchmark DAC1) are so much worse than current best amps like LM4562 or OPA1612 but only if you include DC spects. For AC NE5532 is simply amazing in spite of its age. 
Speakers that sound like the Hyperion 938's
A-passion, HPS-938s are amazing. All you said plus clean airy sibilants on any material. I bought 6 month old dealer demo for $3k with full warranty in like new condition. Sometimes used 938 are sold here around $2-2.5k but I would avoid very old ... 
Using Airport Express/AirTunes.
Sfar, It might be dependent on the DAC used. All of them suppress jitter by means of PLL or asynchronous resampling - some more some less. According to Stereophile review test AE is bit perfect so jitter is the only possible difference. Benchmark ... 
Fun Little Project for improving Dynamics
"So, crystals? Sure, why not?"Of course, why not. I have noticed that my system has better highs on the upper floor (logical) and better bass in the basement. I keep it on main floor as best of both worlds but this effect can be used to tweak the ... 
802.11n USB network adapter
I already had hard time initially stetting this network. My friend tried the same with AE on my advice and finally gave up and returned AE to Apple store. I'm computer literate, but more on hardware than software side. I'm planning to change layou... 
Using Airport Express/AirTunes.
Sfar, I agree 802.11n is the best option since I have dropouts with 802.11g (on occasions only). 802.11n is using 5GHz (5MHz in my previous post was a typo) - less polluted band far away from microwave ovens and cell phones. 
Using Airport Express/AirTunes.
Airport Express has, according to Stereophile review, decent low jitter optical out and less then perfect DAC (what can you expect for $99). It has two problems: Limitation of 16/44.1 and lack of clock between songs resulting in a loss of few seco... 
How essential is shielding?
Capacitance of many typical Belden cables run in order of 25pF per foot while the best interconnects go as low as 3.5pF/ft thanks to use of expensive dielectrics (foam Teflon) and special geometries (oversized tubes). Cable with no shield eliminat...