

Responses from kijanki

Amplifier power versus maximum speaker input power
Somut, RMS power delivered to speaker is very low (in order of few percent of peak power)*. Your speakers rated for 100W RMS should easily take many times higher peaks. Weak amplifier (without soft clipping) can easily damage tweeters because clip... 
Stupid speaker test question...please help a n00b
"I have to say I find this field of 'hi-fi' quite frustrating"You're not alone. We are here to learn. 
tripath topology amplifier=SET?
Tripath is a variation on class D amplifier where name comes from Tripath Amplifier Technologies (that went bankrupt few years ago).SET = Single-Ended Triode amplifier a tube amplifier with only one (in opposition to push-pull) output tube operati... 
Stupid speaker test question...please help a n00b
Spartanmorning, One reason is that few manufacturers who use more expensive underhanged speakers would have clear advantage. No incentive for everybody else who is using overhang drivers to publish distortion. The other reason is that speaker dist... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
Bryoncunningham, Jitter creates sidebands to root frequency (like any modulation) at very low levels. In spite of low levels it is very audible because it is not harmonically related to root frequency. With music (many frequencies) it is basically... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
T-304 won't shield against low frequency magnetic field. It might protect against it if you build Faraday Cage but even then it is very limited. I'm no expert on Faraday Cage but as far as I remember it is used mostly as electrostatic shield. It w... 
Shielding components from EMI/RFI... Help please
"I've been reading that copper is effective at shielding high frequency RFI, but not particularly effective at shielding low frequency EMI"It is because copper, being non-magnetic, does not shield against electromagnetic wave. In cable this electr... 
Please help me understand
"quite possible that the human ear might be on some level analyzing things that are either yet to be identified and labeled"Transient Intermodulation, unknown until 70s, comes to mind. Early SS amps sounded very bright because of overuse of negati... 
Please help me understand
"Dogs don't listen to loud rock music"Sure they do, they listen to owners loud music. They also bark - a very loud noise. Everybody looses hearing with age - man or a dog. Prolonged loud noise can only make it worse. 
Please help me understand
"Just food for thought, your family pet 'hears' more"Man: 20Hz-20kHzDog: 40Hz-40kHz Same number of octaves (10) 
Please help me understand
Danoroo,Music is just much more complex than any test while warm or bright is just different types of distortion. Why do you think amps should sound the same? What is to my liking is not necessarily your cup of tea. I like neutral sound while you ... 
Power standby effects on amp's aging and sound
Capacitor life is function of ambient temperature. Each 10 deg C temp increase cuts life of capacitor by half. It is shown in many studies and published by pretty much all capacitor manufacturers. You can also find here: http://www.niccomp.com/hel... 
What do you feel?
"After playing Chopin, I feel as if I had been weeping over sins that I had never committed, and mourning over tragedies that were not my own."Oscar Wilde 
anyone here experience with Jeff Rowland Model 102
Spkrplus,I ended-up with Hyperions HPS-938 (6 month dealer demo for $3K). Amazing speakers from less than amazing company (if they still exist). Combination of revealing Benchmark DAC1 with Rowland 102 driving Paradigm Studio/60 (metal dome tweete... 
Why do digital cables sound different?
Lvhjr1, Optical cables don't have problem of jitter cause by reflections on impedance boundaries but rather from jitter being result of system noise affecting slow transitions (inherent to low slew rate of transmitters). Noise also affects transit...