

Responses from kijanki

Diversity of opinion over what
It's a matter of taste. Benchmark DAC1 in my system sounds very natural and transparent but to many it sounds sterile and analytical. Adding distortion or noise would likely make it sound more vivid same way distorted guitar appears more dynamic t... 
Fuses that matter.
Credence?"Hmmmm...one wonders if Bryon Cunningham installed some of the fuses incorrectly during his recent testing of aftermarket fuses""I have lost faith in ANY tests of fuses unless the person performing the tests is already familiar with the d... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon, thanks for the info. Both were pretty much the same as stock fuses, per your test, so I checked only Supremes and could not find any safety approval. There are better returns for my money in audio, as Mapman suggested, since I'm not "there"... 
Fuses that matter.
Rodman99999, Power supply is in the output stage to some degree. When power supply has no load regulation and amplifier has zero feedback then performance of the power supply (including inductance and ESR of big caps, resistance of the fuses etc.)... 
Noise/distortion coming out of speakers
Rrog, you're right. I also found rotating pot a temporary remedy on my Benchmark DAC1 volume control. I used contact cleaner/fader lube and so far it is completely silent for three years. 
Airport Express on separate 802.11n network?
Edimax comes with Windows drivers only (same on the website). Manufacturer claims only Windows compatibility (shame on you Newegg). Luckily I was able to find Ralitek chipset number after opening the case and to download driver plus utility progra... 
Fuses that matter.
Bryon, It is natural to keep searching and testing, but"Time comes when design engineer has to be shot so that design can be released to production" 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
Realremo, No harm done. I'm just overly sensitive today. Don't hesitate to ask if you want to go more into details. I'm not the best to explain but Al does it very well and he is forum Guru (in case you don't know it yet). 
What to look for in used CDP transport
I replaced CDM12 once. There are different versions of CDM12 but I selected VAM1250 if remember correctly. CDM12 used to be the most popular CD drive in computers so easy replacement is likely. If you're looking for decent transport alone try DVD ... 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
"Ok my brain just exploded all over my iPad."Realremo, we are seriously trying to explain but I can see that making jokes is more important to you and Jeffatus (who finds it amusing). I won't make this mistake again. 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
OK, light analogy. In order to achieve certain brightness of 100W light we can either adjust brightness in linear fashion by increasing bulb supply voltage or we can apply full voltage and blink it very fast. Continuous brightness that our eyes se... 
Best beer
Tmsorosk, You cannot have everything. 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
Mapman, I suspect that it will get much better because of semiconductor speed. Things based on timing scheme like Sigma Delta DACs are limited in resolution by timing accuracy while traditional DACs are limited by tolerance of components. Semicond... 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
Realremo, Imagine just one mechanical switch that switches between +10V and -10V. Output of this switch after averaging (filtering) will be zero volts if switch was the same amount of time (for instance 1s) at +10V and -10V positions (total cycle ... 
Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"
Bombaywalla - it is the other way around. Class D was invented tweaking SMPS. Engineers demoing SMPS showed that load regulation is so fast that SMPS can even play music.Any linear power supply is in fact primitive switcher operating at 120Hz. Pri...