

Responses from kijanki

What Does Holographic Sound Like?
Al,Correlation is weakened by the fact that people often try more expensive cable from the wrong family or their systems have poor transparency. Cardas cables, for instance, are praised by many for the warmth, while Nordost cables bring speed and ... 
PreAmp Gain and Impact on Amp
4PM seems far but it is OK if you don't have much softer recorded CDs. I have level control jumpers on my Benchmark DAC1 in -10dB increments (0dB, -10dB, -20dB, -30dB). I found that 0dB (loudest) position gives me the best sound (vivid). I normall... 
PreAmp Gain and Impact on Amp
You should have full power on average at about 1 o'clock position to leave reserves of gain for soft sources or soft recorded CDs. 
FLAC or AIFF? your choice for importing to Itunes.
It depends what you're going to do with it. If you send it wireless or to network Bridge/DAC then it doesn't matter (as long as playback program recognizes format). In case of Itunes+Airport Express, for instance, it is even better to keep it ALAC... 
Over 55? - You Gotta See This
It won't happen to me, knock on the wood. Oh, somebody is knocking at the door, I have to go.... 
Delay Playing Music Over Wireless
I noticed your post now but you might be still looking for an answer. The reason is lack of clock between tracks. Music is transmitted as data with no clock and clock has to be recreated. Some DACs like my Benchmark DAC1 can sync quickly but other... 
Is there a service to install CDs in a Server?
Grimace, It is a tedious job but it is better to rip what you want to listen to at given moment and ignore the rest. That way CDs you play most often will be already available on the server. Eventually you'll get all of them without unnecessary st... 
What Does Holographic Sound Like?
2x shorter cable is 2x better cable. 
Impedance Mismatch ???
Viridian, thanks for the link - very interesting. Current loops like 4-20mA became at one point industry standard for their inherent immunity to noise or resistance of the cable especially on very long runs. Current source has very high output imp... 
An audiophile dilemma
Chris,My brother auditioned speakers in Swiss (Geneva) audio store. Sales guy presented smaller speakers first and my brother liked them a lot. Then he switched to more expensive larger speakers and my brother liked them even more to finally play ... 
Impedance Mismatch ???
Larryi, that might be the case but when he designs whole amp (instead of using Icepower modules) most likely he has option of setting 10k or 40k input impedance without extra stage. It might be electrical noise issue since higher impedance input i... 
Impedance Mismatch ???
Strangely, Jeff Rowland increased ICEpower module input impedance from 10k to 40k by adding extra amplifier board on my model 102 amplifier but released brand new all his design model 625 that has only 10k input impedance. Does he know something w... 
Please help with Spectron Musician Issue.
Rhanson739, I like your approach. I tend to over-analyze while at the end it comes to sound quality alone. 
Another cheater plug thread
Newbee, Interconnects make connections between signal grounds that most likely aren't chassis grounds. 
Please help with Spectron Musician Issue.
Mcintech, It is not that difficult to fix it if you understand its operation. It is pretty much modulator chip + output Mosfets. If Mosfets are not driven then replace chip otherwise find bad Mosfet. I'm not sure why "it doesn't follow ohm's law" ...