

Responses from kijanki

Are HDMI cables hot swapable?
HDMI specifications include "Hot Swap". Argument that swapping anything hot is taking a risk doesn't really make sense. If it is designed to be hot swappable then it is (like USB devices). 
Digital Audio Out Audiophile Newbie pt. 3
It is system dependent. In some cases optical (Toslink) can be better. Coax should be either very short (less then 1ft) or at least 1.5m 
NAS Question
Both, mirroring and stripping have the same problem - controller going bad (or virus) can kill both disks. Raid 0 (stripping) has additional problem. When one disk goes bad the other is automatically lost. Stripping is used for speed - not needed ... 
Visa Tranaction Suspended for Unusual Activity
American Express is not blocking my large transactions but rather sends me warning email. Recently I purchased Furnace, AC etc for $11k - no problem, only warning message. American Express is also better than Citibank Visa in foreign travel. Visa ... 
convert WAV to MP3 on MAC
MAX converts any format to any format. 
Noise gets in by direct capacitive coupling or electromagnetic pickup. In case of capacitive coupling shield can be very effective. Electromagnetic pickup is a little more complex. Shield is made of aluminum or copper - a non magnetic material and... 
An Introduction to new member
Mofimadness, right you are! 
An Introduction to new member
Welcome Annalisa! 
Change a 2 channel amp to a mono block amp
It might be possible (if each output isn't already in bridge configuration) by shorting grounds together and connecting speaker between outputs. Input to one of the amp has to be inverted. This will get you 800W but as Mofimadness suggested it is ... 
Other than locking, XLR does not have exposed pins (input side is always female). Touching end of RCA cable going to power amp can damage speakers. Power should be turned off, but mistakes happen, especially when people (audiophiles) keep plugging... 
Is there a glass ceiling for cable technology??
Audioquest ICs - polyethylene or polyethylene foam, or polyethylene foam in oversized tubes, Teflon, Teflon foam, Teflon foam in oversized tubes. Metal can be very pure but standard oxygen free copper has still thousands of crystals per foot(impur... 
Bob, differential amplifier can suppress even order harmonics (associated with warm sound). Voltage of each output can be seen as: Vp=a1*Vi+a2*(Vi^2)+a3*(Vi^3)+a4*(Vi^4)+a5*(Vi^5)+ .....Vn=a1*(-Vi)+a2*(-Vi^2)+a3*(-Vi^3)+a4*(-Vi^4)+a5*(-Vi^5)+ ....... 
Why speaker lines come and go
Big burden for the small company is R&D. It is not only expensive but often access to decent anechoic chamber is very limited. Many companies like Revel use expensive laser refractometers to defeat cabinet resonances. Fortunately for companies... 
Why speaker lines come and go
None of these high end speaker companies make driversNot always. Hyperion Sound designed their own very innovative speakers. For starters they had no spider web suspension, that adds mass to membrane and affects linearity. Midrange speaker is 6.5"... 
Musician's Challenges
Mapman, Conlon Nancarrow was originally composing music for piano but when his music got very complex he couldn't find pianists to play it (especially in Mexico where he lived). He switched then to pianola and discovered completely new instrument....