

Responses from kijanki

What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect?
@deludedaudiophile So, you are not EE.  Well, I am - designing low level electronics for 40 years.  Sorry I cannot explain it to you better.  We agree to disagree.  
What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect?
In single ended connection we are passing signal and reference point (analog ground). There is a loop from the output to input and back by return - analog ground. Induced electrical noise currents in both wires flow in the same direction and cance... 
What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect?
I suspect that reason for oscilloscope to have plain coax is capacitance. Twisting wires reduce inductance but increases capacitance - important with scope’s high input impedance and very high measured frequencies. Unfortunately this coax arrangem... 
What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect?
My understanding is it is better for electrostatic noise rejection but there may be circumstances where shielded twisted pair is better for magnetic. Twisted pair exposes both wires evenly to electric and magnetic fields causing identical induc... 
What's better, one conductor or two conductors for an RCA interconnect?
When shield is used as return any electrical noise current induced in the shield will create voltage difference along it  - between source/output and destination/input.  Input will "see" the difference between output signal wire and output GND, pl... 
Which USB reclocker is as good as the Innuos Phoenix USB?
@sns  I agree, internal clocks close to D/A converter IC make sense to me.  Advertisement of external clocks often shows extreme accuracy or long term stability - both unimportant.  Important is the jitter of the clock, that often is not specified... 
S/N ratio Balanced input vs. Unbalanced input
If hiss comes from the DAC and is independent of the volume pot, then likely DAC is injecting some electrical noise into amplifier.  I wouldn't worry about it, since not too many amps are completely quiet with the ear on the tweeter.  
Which USB reclocker is as good as the Innuos Phoenix USB?
@tjag   It is likely that Phoenix reclocker helped users who had outdated synchronous USB or provided some electrical isolation.  Since reclocking of the signal that doesn't come in real time doesn't make any sense, I'm just saying - be sure you c... 
Which USB reclocker is as good as the Innuos Phoenix USB?
@djones51   +1 With asynchronous USB DAC's clock is not based on rate of incoming data (as it is with S/Pdif).  Data is delivered in frames (each frame containing multiple samples) at constant frequency, for instance 1kHz.  DAC receives frames an... 
Regular interconnect or digital?
@jasonbourne52   I just looked at Monoprice cables - seems like solid choice - inexpensive and well shielded.  
Regular interconnect or digital?
@boxcarman   Not 1m, but 1.5-2m.    Start of transition at the source creates possible reflection at the end of the cable (slight impedance mismatch) that comes back and adds to the this edge changing its shape.  In order to miss threshold point ... 
Regular interconnect or digital?
Cable carrying digital signals has to have characteristic impedance matched to source output impedance and DACs input impedance (all three the same), otherwise there will be possible reflections on impedance boundaries.  Such reflection can produc... 
S/N ratio Balanced input vs. Unbalanced input
If you hear noise with ear on the tweeter it is normal.  With my limited experience only some amps are completely noiseless.  Can you hear it from distance of 1m?  
S/N ratio Balanced input vs. Unbalanced input
I am confused as well.  Balanced input suppresses common mode noise, but S/N measurements were taken with inputs shorted.  I don't see any reason why balanced should be worse, assuming similar input level.  
S/N ratio Balanced input vs. Unbalanced input
It has to be typo.  On page 5 of their technical paper they show 107dB for BAL-CD input.