
Responses from khrys

Transparent MM2
I can't say how much I hate these cables, basically because they are quite expensive and I can't seem to live without them.Articulate reviews like Marc's don't help.However, $300 bucks from the Feds will get me back in this game, pronto. 
Transparent MM2
Soundisntmusic, I really look forward to your review. I am partly excited about the potential of MM2 technology and partly annoyed that my less than one year old Ref XL cables "need" a $10,000 update to stay current.I am so far inclined to take Tm... 
What time do you wear?
If you've got the money, I've got the time?Whatever.Got over myself and bought a used Rolex GMT II.The thing is the most bulletproof mechanical watch I have owned.Which will be relevant when the EMP of a nuclear attack or comet strike renders anyt... 
Are interconnect cables worth $15,000?
I recently conducted an audition of some highly regarded cables available to me locally in southern California.Liked them all. Would gladly live with any.Especially if I hadn't heard the others. 
New dCS Paganini system
Blackstonejd, thank you for your informative and well considered response.I clearly have a lot more research to do. The functionality of servers is appealing as long as the sound is good and it looks like we're headed toward that eventuality. 
New dCS Paganini system
I used to feel that way about remote controls until I tried them.Worthless multiroom setups notwithstanding. 
Most important component??
The most important component for a CD based system would be a turntable. 
VTL Siefried vs Audio Research 610T
The Siegfrieds and ARC 610Ts sound the best I've ever heard on Wilson speakers as far as tubes are concerned.They like power and current to my ears, despite their purported dbl sensitivity. And high powered SS gear should not be discounted unless ... 
YG Acoustic Kipods
If I may simplify even further, each Kipod active system requires one speaker cable for the passive upper module, and one single-ended interconnect and one power cord for the active lower module.Don't forget the need for PCs with active subwoofers... 
YG Acoustic Kipods
I agree with most of what Tomer tsin says about the comparison between Wilson W/P8s and YG Kipods (revered Israeli children's character BTW) but take issue with two of his points: Having lived with the W/P8s for over a year and the Kipods for over... 
YG Acoustic Kipods
Tboooe, the Kipods are in the same family of sound as Wilsons with respect to refinement and quality but the differences are readily apparent. As with any components of this caliber, "better" simply means "preference".The Wilsons are somewhat more... 
YG Acoustic Kipods
Well, it was worth the effort. The Kipods are dialed in and are now the speakers in residence, having displaced my venerable W/P8s.The Kipods are more linear, image better and are more articulate. There is a clarity of voice and presence that riva... 
Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH
Bkonig, yes I did replace my Acutus with the same arm and cartridge. The differences were not subtle:The Acutus is an aural hologram.The Monaco is a sonic time machine. 
Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH
Cohnaudio, proving the axiom of "horses for courses", my impression of the GPA racks was just the opposite of yours. I used GPA racks for 4 years and I have nothing negative to say about them. They are superb stands. But I prefer the Finite Elemen... 
YG Acoustic Kipods
Dgad, the Kipod Studio with active subwoofer retails for $38k. They are easy to drive and do not require hyper-expensive amps.Though they are made in Colorado they are indeed very well received in Asia. They are amazingly easy to position, even by...