
Responses from kennymacc

Opportunity to buy Demo Magico M2?
You know, there’s a plethora of very fine full range speakers out there, some costing as much as a new Ferrari. It’s all a matter of your own personal preference and how deep you pockets are. I have heard all the speakers mentioned here. Look, sav... 
“House” Character of Popular $20-$30k Speakers
You Know, there's a plethora of very fine sounding, full range, floor standing speakers out there.  It all depends on your own personal preference and how deep your pockets are.  If you want a proven, true world class, true full range floor stande... 
Hegel H590 integrated amp
I use the Hegel H590 strictly as an amp/preamp, for it’s superb power and sound quality. Although the H590 has an amazing (I’ve actually heard it) internal DAC, I opted to go with a superior DAC to the H590s DAC, my awesome external DAC, the Ayre ... 
Hegel H590 integrated amp
You're absolutely right.  There's also a number of reference level, end-game, speakers, amps, preamps, DACs, etc., out there.  And, they're all like the many flavors of ice cream, and you get to pick your favorite flavor.     Ain't life grand?   ... 
Hegel H590 integrated amp
I know. I wasn’t quite enthusiastic or passionate enough in my expression of extreme love and admiration for the Hegel H590. My bad, LoL!!!  
Another Hegel H390 vs H590 Thread
I just upgraded from the H390 to the H590.  The H390 is an amazing integrated, in it's own right, but when I purchased very large, inefficient speakers, I needed even more power then what the H390 had to offer, so I decided to upgraded to the H590... 
Hegel H590 with BW 800D
I have the notoriously inefficient and hard to drive Revel Salon 2 speakers. After needing to move from my much larger room to a very moderately size room, I decided to downsize and go from separates to an integrated. My first amp was the Hegel... 
Another Hegel H390 vs H590 Thread
I have a very moderately size room that I currently use an Hegel H390 to drive a pair of, not so efficient, Revel Salon 2 speakers. The H390 does a great job of driving my speakers and also sounds outstanding paired with my Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twe... 
Has anyone herd the Hegel h390
I own the Hegel H390, and I can tell you that it is an incredible sounding unit.  I us it as an amp/ preamp only.  It's not overtly warm, nor is it overtly neutral, either.  The H390 is extremely powerful with an extremely high damping factor so i... 
Streaming with the Hegel H390
Generally, based on my extensive experience, stand alone DACs always seem to out perform integrated DACs.  I use an Ayre Acoustic QX-5 Twenty DAC with my Hegel H390 with stunning results.  Using the internal DAC that came with a component is usual... 
All New Magico A5 Loudspeakers // Biggest "BANG" For Your BUCK On The Market ?!
I've see the KMD speakers on-line on Youtube and they are very impressive looking and sounding through my computer speakers.  Very impressive.  I'd love to hear them in person.  KMD was a no-show at T.H.E. Show last month.  Hopefully, KMD with hav... 
Dynaudio Evoke 50 vs Revel f226Be
There's a reason way the Revel Salon 2 speakers are still, after all these years, 2022 Stereophile Recommended Components Class A .  The Salons are an absolute phenomenal speaker system, and have withstood the test of time.  It's nothing for curre... 
Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?
I forgot to mention that my Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty DAC is a streaming DAC.  I use the DAC as a  streamer  My DAC along with my Roon Nucleus Plus renders amazing and marvelous results.  I am overwhelmingly pleased with this combination.  Before... 
Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?
I have a Roon Nucleus Plus, with an Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty DAC, Pakedge switch, top end shunyata ethernet cables, Audioquest power cables, JPS Labs speaker cables, Revel Salon 2 speakers, powered by an Hegel H390 integrated and an Audioquest N... 
From separate streamer and DAC to al-in-one suggestion
I run an Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty streaming DAC with Roon Nucleus Plus with astonishing results!!!