Responses from kennymacc
Luxman 509x vs Hegel H390 There’s a plethora of fine integrated amps out there. These chat rooms are nice for others providing suggestions, sharing their knowledge and experiences with some of the units that they had exposure to. I use and, I'm madly in love with an Hegel ... | |
Revel Salon 2 speakers steve59, We all have our own preferences and opinions, and I welcome yours. However, you’re missing the point here. As noted, I’m fully aware of the Salon 2s age. Also, although there’s been a new line introduced (228/328), fact is, they’re not d... | |
Revel Salon 2 speakers Here in Northern Cali, there’s a dealer near me that sells the entire line of Wilsons and Sonus Faber speakers that I visit regularly, and they all sound fabulous. Every High End Audio dealer that I visit, and listen to whatever speaker brands the... | |
Revel Salon 2 speakers You are exactly right! The H390 does not have the headroom to properly drive the Salon 2s. When I first got my Salon 2s, like yourself, I was driving them with an H390, which I was using with my previous speakers. The H390 is an extremely powerful... | |
Revel Salon 2 speakers About a year ago, I had to move to a smaller listening space in my home, so I downsized from separates to an integrated amp. I now drive the Salons with an Hegel H590 integrated, which, combined with my Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty reference DAC, pr... | |
CD transport vs.streaming No way would I ever go back to cd or vinyl after purchasing a very high end DAC (more than 5K), ethernet cabling, Roon Nucleus Plus, switch, etc. Streaming from Tidal, Qobuz and Files sounds so wonderful through my rig that I no longer have the de... | |
Streaming vs Physical Media I have top-notch streaming gear and no longer us a cd player or vinyl. Tidal, Qobuz, reference DAC, Roon Plus, high end cabling, high end ethernet cables and switch. Not to mention my wonderful, beautiful conductor of the music, the iPad. Strea... | |
Revel Salon 2’s (used) or new Magico A-3 (new) ?? The Salon 2s are superior!!! The Salon 2s are still one of the very best loudspeakers in the world today and can easily be compared to Magico's or anyone else's top-of-the-line models. I've heard almost all of Magico's line of speakers and they... | |
Revel Salon 2 vs Vandersteen 5a Carbon Once you get your hands on a pair of Revel Salon 2 speakers, along with a beefy, high powered amp to drive them, you will thank the High End Audio Gods!!! The Salon 2 speakers are just "PHENOMENAL SPEAKERS." The Salon 2s are definitely one of thos... | |
Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC You know, there were times when I would look at my extensive collection of CDs, SACDs and DVD Audio discs and think, it might be fun to purchase a nice, used, universal player to play with. You can buy pre-owned players now-a-days for a song-and-... | |
Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty Streaming DAC Good move!!!! | |
Revel Salon 2’s (used) or new Magico A-3 (new) ?? I recently upgraded from an Hegel H390 to an Hegel H590 integrated to drive my Revel Salon 2 speakers. Although the H390s sound quality, overall, was fantastic, in the end, the H390 didn’t have quite enough juice to control the Salon’s bass driver... | |
Room tuning or listen to as is condition? I have Revel Salon 2 speakers in a small 12’x 13’ room and I get great bass. I sit approx. 8.5 to 9 feet from the speakers. The bass is not absolutely perfect in my room, but it’s close. I’m totally thrilled and blown away by the bass quantity and... | |
Opportunity to buy Demo Magico M2? You know, there’s a plethora of very fine full range speakers out there, some costing as much as a new Ferrari. It’s all a matter of your own personal preference and how deep you pockets are. I have heard all the speakers mentioned here. Look, sav... | |
“House” Character of Popular $20-$30k Speakers You Know, there's a plethora of very fine sounding, full range, floor standing speakers out there. It all depends on your own personal preference and how deep your pockets are. If you want a proven, true world class, true full range floor stande... |