
Responses from kennyc

Buying used vs new speakers from a technology perspective
OP is your question answered, or are you still unclear?  If so, what?  
Reasons not to freak out about tube supplies
@hilde45 - good post, too much unhealthy stress nowadays    
Is it me? Will I ever be satisfied?
Room treatments often give a substantial sonic benefit, often ignored by some  audiophiles.   Also, it would be very helpful to know what you're sonically dissatisfied with (transparency, soundstage, noise floor, bass tightness...) and which dire... 
Madman! Digital vs Vinyl
whether it’s worth investing in a really good phono preamp or not. It would of very helpful if you let us know what components you have and which preamps your interested in. A budget would would also be very helpful. Then we can give you better... 
Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes
Small potatoes, compared to what's going on elsewhere in the world. ++++ infinity Maybe we should be hoarding potatoes Why did you hoard toilet paper?  This has always been a mystery to me. Perhaps the OP lives in an arid climate where usi... 
Sad to say I need a new amp…
no way to generalize, but, to me, the sonic benefits make owning tube gear worthwhile. +1 True, tube gear often requires more $ outlay and maintenance than SS, but it most often offers a midrange that can sound magical especially on voices. Al... 
Limited soundstage between speakers
I dream of a dedicated audio room. I dream of obtaining a 3D enhancer BAACH dsp crosstalk cancelling component. Reviews extremely positive  
I heard a costly system from Esoteric.
+1 for mostly everyone      @jackhifiguy  Your making a mistake assuming that components optimized for speaker automatically means headphone output is at the same level.  True, there are some integrated that both are great sounding, but that is ... 
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
+1 @ghdprentice   
Decided to try a SPU cartridge
Will do. May be awhile though,  I have to change flooring and awaiting funds to complete audio chain as mentioned in my earlier post.  
Decided to try a SPU cartridge
@dover  Also, just to reiterate, if you want to play with SUT's, you can use them with the MM input on your Grail phono. The GrailSB is a "current" phono stage.  Not sure if the MM inputs are "voltage" based which would allow a SUT.  My Grail ... 
Denver and Front Range furniture maker -- just did my audio rack!
Thanks for the custom woodworking shelf/amp stand tip. Usually custom means significantly more $$$.  Fantastic idea to get custom fitted furniture to fit specific needs without breaking the bank. Congrats on your new audio shelf.  
Looking for “just good enuf” for garage man cave
It seems most suggestions are ignoring the OPs CD requirements.  If the OP is looking for a all-in-one unit for AM/FM radio, CD transport, DAC, Streamer, then he's likely out of luck- he'd have to go multiple components.  Maybe a receiver plus a C... 
Decided to try a SPU cartridge
@alan60  Thanks for the tip regarding the smaller sized "N" SPUs. I'll keep that in mind - maybe later I'll further explore optimizing the SPU sound.   I like variety.  I'm in my 60s.  Because I started late my high end audio,  I'm kind of conde... 
Room Acoustics: Where to place the squares?
Thanks Eric also.  Your continued insistence on the importance of room treatments for significant sonic benefits has moved me from buying minimal to treating it like it's a necessary component.  But I may have to take a measured approach because I...