
Responses from kennyc

Help with picking new integrated for under 3k
+1 Hegel - the H360 seems to be a significant sonic upgrade to the H190 while the H590 seems a marginal improvement over the H360. +1 Rogue Audio - high value If you’re open to separates, Audio Alchemy DDP-1 (preamp) + DPA-1 (amp). Designed by a... 
33rpm vs 45rpm - which is better
@holmz Maybe get them both and put the less liked one onto Disc cogs? Wow, that didn't occur to me.  Guess I'll do that - $26 + $30 ain't much nowadays.  Thanks.   @lalitk You didn’t say anything about your analog setup, does your system a... 
Up to $4000US tower speakers for Jazz and Classical Music
@langelo68 Wish we could extend our budget to the Q Acoustics Concept 500…. There are several “used” Q Acoustics Concept 500 on within your budget. Otherwise Tektons and Goldenear are great options. Make sure your 50wpc can driv... 
Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system?
Yes, unfortunately.  I didn’t want to spend significant $ on cables but when one reaches a level of transparency it’s makes an obvious difference.    
What are we objectivists missing?
@jtucker "We don’t know what we don’t know" Exactly. Our hearing acuity is much more complex than current science can define. Not just cables but components as well. Great measurements can only get you so far, then the rest is an art of tryin... 
Was my friend given misinformation.
@luxmancl38  Drop the subject - your friend is happy now and likely closed minded on upgrading and may have been closed minded on your audio opinion  
Opportunity to buy Demo Magico M2?
At Axpona, I auditioned the A5 vs Rockport.  The A5 had great midrange but seemed to lack treble sparkle.  The Rockports were better balanced but seemed clouded.  I ended up purchasing the AXPONA Vimberg MinoD because my dealer worked to get me a ... 
New Fleetwood DeVille SQ
On my wish list. Reviews highly enthusiastic.  
Your short speaker cable experiences
I believe that the general audiophile sonics convention is to have short speaker cables and thus longer interconnects vs vice-versa.  However, I plan to do the opposite since I already have 8ft speaker cables, no room to put amp between speakers, ... 
Looking for a change.
@chasda  Your electronics are the weakest link in your audio chain.  Also. Have you addressed room treatment? For specific component suggestions, your budget, what sound you’re dissatisfied with, what sound do you want more of, type of music lis... 
Awaiting a 1st impression
Congrats on your PL.  Established company, quality parts, excellent long term track  record, it’s a solid investment.    
Almost equality
Congrats.   The sonic quality of digital audio is growing rapidly.   
Ideas for an amplifier?
+1 @russ69  If you need more power than MacIntosh 105watts, very slim choices in the $1-1.5k range.  More power requires more/larger/better parts which drive up costs.    
Is there a DAC ranking list?
+1 @akg_ca  I can’t see any worthy ranking below about a $3,000 price point. That’s the approximate starting threshold level and going north,....      @tcotruvo  There was a 2018 DAC shootout on WBF, but the DACs were from $2k to $100k+.  Cur... 
Need some Cart recommendations, $300 - $700 (New/Used) range…warm, full, yet great def.
Perhaps you'll like the sound of SPU cartridges, but you'll need to make sure you have proper tonearm matching.