

Discussions karmapolice has started

Does high end system with dedicated circuits need grounding products268412
Synergistic Research Powercell SX Power Conditioner738211
can anyone recommend a person in LA area to pay to install a tricky Koetsu cartridge 267429
Anyone use Koetsu with Harbeth 213115
Playback designs digital player19731
Subwoofer REL dedicated line with amp?8663
speed controller for Lenco or Garrard850119
Monoblock power amps same dedicated outlet?631416
REL subwoofer using only red cable not yellow per REL technical dept 924822
Recommend cartridge for pass labs preamp amp and Harbeth 40.217419
stillpoints ultra ss with and without the ultra base (that is sold separately)?19990
Why more bass subwoofer into power conditioner 845511
anyone hear the REL Carbon limited Subwoofer for 2 channel audio42463
why so many gryphon diablo 300 integrated for sale now?2773121
Why so few non entry level battery operated dac with built in sd card input and streaming22512