

Discussions karmapolice has started

recommendation for rca interconnect for deeper bass for dac to preamp618234
Rca cable with wbt connector or other connector that fits chord hugo 225496
Is the marantz 30N or ruby almost a universal player29697
Does benchmark dac sound good if don't like oppo dac sound?12924
Do you ground synergistic Research power cable for amplifier 13932
focal headphones lost output on left side39152
Harbeth 40.2 or Vandersteen Quatro CT455628
Anyone hear kharma exquisite reference 1b 7610
Universal not cd ripper transport media player to feed chord hugo tt210840
Pass 600.8 monoblocks worth upgrade from 260.8?13982
High powered Monoblock Pas amp with power conditioner? Hi,9621
changing dedicated line feeding 1 outlet 2 sockets to 4?11122
Chord Hugo TT2 users why kept or sold or didn't buy20282
Using 3.55mm splitter and rca to XLR adapter?14507
Sending chord mojo output to preamp 3.55 mm to XLRhi,19511