

Responses from kalali

Parasound Halo Integrated vs Yamaha AS2100
If you decide to broaden your options, I strongly recommend to consider Vincent Audio SV-237 tube/hybrid integrated amp. It sounds incredibly detailed and smooth and completely free of any graininess even at very high listening levels.  
Subwoofer for classical music listener
clearthink, sorry to say but you need to chill a bit. I don't think anyone here considers classical music - I assume western classical, something "elitist". This genre of music just by its nature, e.g., large number of instruments, drastic transie... 
Gungnir sound before and after multi-bit upgrade?
kdude, what didn't you like about the Freya and compare to what other pre? Sorry if off topic.  
What are some of the downsides of owning a Magneplanar .7 or 1.7i ?
"If speaker is suited great for certain kind of music and not good for other kind of music, than this speaker by the general rule of thumb junk."This might be true in theory but if this were a "general rule of thumb", we wouldn't have so many diff... 
Troublesome Audio Research DSi200
I'm not familiar with this particular component but the last time I heard a buzz from an amplifier itself, it was coming from the power transformer. If possible, put your ear close to the transformer and see if its from that area. You may also wan... 
Lamm LL2 Deluxe....
Is it the deluxe version? 
Lamm LL2 Deluxe....
Stereophile has an in depth review of this component and based on their review, and having it paired with an amplifier with a "normal" input impedance, e.g., higher than 20K ohms, I personally would not hesitate to own this  LL2 for $2500. A compa... 
New Release CD Players $1000 - $1500
Thank you. Looks like a very impressive piece, especially at this price point. 
New Release CD Players $1000 - $1500
Regarding the Ares DAC, what are the input and output connection types on the back of the unit? I'd assume one coax (RCA ?) input and one pair of analog RCA output but it's really hard to tell from the pictures. Thx. 
Speaking of Brystons, I found and purchased a pair of 7B-ST monoblocks locally and shipped them to my brother in California last week to use with his 1.5QRs. I tried them with my MMGs (and my ML Aerius i) for a couple of days before shipping them.... 
Need help ...
I think you can squeeze a better sound from your system by using a better source component. Oppo is a good piece but a better transport combined with a quality DAC should be a noticeable improvement. This is of course a pure conjecture on my part ... 
Speaker phase observation and question?
Thanks for the excellent and thorough explanations. I had completely missed the interrelationship between the impedance and phase angle and voltage/current interplay referenced in the posts. It all makes sense now. 
Speaker phase observation and question?
Sorry, for those of us that are a bit slow, the phase angle of a speaker obviously changes with frequency and so does the impedance. Furthermore, it appears that a combination of a low phase angle and low impedance puts "stress" on the partnering ... 
Speaker phase observation and question?
Polarity is absolute; + or -, phase angle varies as a function of the frequency. Completely different concepts. 
Going from computer audio to dedicated streamer
If you want to try an external DAC, keep in mind if the external DAC is not MQA compatible you'll not be able to take full advantage of the MQA processing which Node2 delivers.