

Responses from kalali

To reclock or not to reclock
In as far as moderately priced streamers/DAC are concerned, I personally preferred the Bluesound Node2 over the Auralic Aries mini. I think its internal DAC is fairly decent and I've been using it for streaming Tidal with good results. I just rece... 
"Most audiophile loudspeakers "fall apart" when trying to reproduce large scale music when compared to their performance of smaller musical groups. The Vandersteens are no worst than other similar loudspeakers in this respect."Interesting comment... 
pass labs x350.5 and arc ref 5se - impedence mismatch?
ARC Ref5se - output impedance = 600/300 ohms bal/sePass 350.5 - input impedance = 30/20 Kohm bal/seSeem OK. 
Need recommendation for a CD player
I had also been itching to get a better sound for my CDs and decided to get a better DAC instead of getting a better CDP. A side benefit, if the DAC has multiple coax inputs, is the ability to use it for other digital sources like a streaming devi... 
Hardware Options for Streaming Music From Internet via Pandora, Tidal, etc.
I'd using a Bluesound Node 2 for streaming Tidal and internet radio with its internal DAC - pretty decent I might add, but just recently "upgraded" to using an external and better DAC. Node 2 is well below your budget. 
Any comments on DAC going direct to power amplifier or to pre-ampliifer?
"Better off finding/changing the "fatiguing" component." Absolutely agree. I know full well in my set-up, my mediocre DAC is causing the fatigue/digititus. Folks with high(er) quality DACs probably have better experience using the direct connectio... 
Any comments on DAC going direct to power amplifier or to pre-ampliifer?
tls49 has the most accurate answer but my personal experience with a completely different (and much lesser expensive) set of components supports the use of a preamp. Initially, the direct connection seemed more dynamic with more detail but the pre... 
Warm-up time for amps and preamps
"How can you prove that what you hear 45 minutes later from the same source and media sounds any different?"I don't think an accurate comparison is possible without measurement equipment but the ears/brain can sometimes be a better judge of sound ... 
Magneplanar Listening Comparison 1.7 vs. 3.7 Speakers
In my experience, for a given manufacturer and model line, a bigger - and naturally more expensive model, will always sound better given enough room to breathe and fed by the appropriate amplifiers. You clearly have enough room so it's a no braine... 
Looking for a DAC < $1500
I decided to drop my budget just a notch, at least for now, and tried a couple of more moderately priced DACs with two coax inputs - a friend's BDA-1 and a DACmagic Plus, and decided to hold on to the DACmagic. I don't know if its the built in ups... 
How good is Blue Sound Node 2 in WiFi vs Ethernet connection vs external CD player?
Been using a Node 2 for streaming HiFi Tidal since March but decided to try a couple of external DACs to see/hear if it was the worth the upgrade. I also wanted to upgrade (or replace) my old CDP at the same time so I figured I'll find a way to up... 
PSB T3 Owners - Tell Me About Your Speakers - Considering Purchase - Can't Demo Them
There is a thread from a current owner if you scroll down a bit.... lots of praise. 
Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?
joey_v, my comment was related to this particular model within their product range. I personally would love to hear (and own only if I could afford) one of their "lower" models. No disrespect (to anyone) was intended. And, my original question was... 
Who would buy a Boulder 3050 amplifier?
I guess anyone owning a pair of very big and inefficient speakers with a vey large listening space - with good ventilation, could qualify as a potential buyer. Boulder designers are probably also making a statement by building a product like that.... 
What is the most analog sounding CD player under $
What do you mean by isolation - physically or electrically? To the OP, I'm also in the same situation as you and have decided to look for a better DAC than a "better" CDP. I think that approach provides a better longer term path for future growth.