

Responses from kalali

$30K DAC in a $70K system - wise or ridiculous?
Ask the LampizatOr dealer who posted earlier to send you a Pacific to try in your system and let you decide if its worth the $30K price tag. Spending that sort of cash on anything sight unseen/unheard is not a smart move.  
Suggestions for bookshelf speakers that have great dynamics, budget of $500 used.
Wharfedale 10.1 or 225 models are pretty decent and much better than their price might suggest.  
Congratulations Atmasphere!
Ralph - Congratulations and thanks for all your contributions to this Forum and music reproduction technology.  
Analog room correction for vinyl
Analog room correction = Acoustic room treatment + Speaker placement 
Full Range comparison
https://www.commonsenseaudio.com/nirvana.htmlLots of options at various price points. And best bang for the buck at each price point. 
Lamzator Amber 2 DAC
tubes1988, does your Amber II play Tidal MQA content? I know it doesn't process/unfold MQA content but curious to hear if it even plays that content.  
Lamzator Amber 2 DAC
"Which Amber do you have?"I have the original version, circa 2014. 
Can you put a Krell in an apartment?
"I would get a house, or a cabin..."This is too funny...The guy is asking about an amplifier and he gets real estate recommendations...Sorry, could not resist.  
Subwoofer rumble issue
Just out of curiosity, try inverting the phase on the subwoofer and see if it makes a difference.  
Lamzator Amber 2 DAC
I've been trying to get some input for the tube options for my Amber DAC over at their forum from the owners but with no luck. There are a couple of open threads on the subject. LampizatorNA doesn't encourage owners to open the chassis and/or chan... 
SACD or not
"...when compared to high rez redbook."Redbook standard is 16/44.1. What is hi-res Redbook?? 
Help me decide between these two turntable/cartridge combinations
FWIW, I don't have any experience with the tables/cartridges you mentioned but I do have a friend who switched from using the phono stage in his P6 to a schiit Mani with a Swagman linear power supply and the sound quality improved, especially the ... 
Mark Levinson 20.6 Failing
"Beirut is a big city..."This is really helpful to someone who lives there, but that aside, the chassis in those amps are quite packed and you still need to disassemble a good bit to even do a proper visual inspection. Even then, you'll need some ... 
I have to downsize big time, any ideas on integrated amps and smaller 3 way speakers
Wish you the best on your health issues and don't (always) count on what they tell you. I have two close friends/family members who were given a similar prognosis several years ago and they are still fine and enjoying life.  
My Harbeth C7ES-3 story...
Congratulations. What electronics are you using to drive them? A friend of mine has a pair and is driving them with a Pass labs 60 wpc integrated amplifier and they sound real nice. Very smooth and creamy especially when listening to jazz or instr...