

Responses from kalali

Martín Logan choice help
"I was thinking before, that I could get the Magnepan LRS, new and a good subwoofer..."That would be a better route to take assuming you also get an amplifier that drives them close to their potential. As for Martin Logan panels, in my experience ... 
Schitt Yggdrasil Vs. Bluenode 2i (Shock!)
"...the Node can’t be hooked up to drive a power amp, it has the correct voltage to be used with a preamp...."Not completely true, depending on the input voltage sensitivity of the amplifier. It (2V) can drive most amplifiers to full output. Furth... 
Bookshelf speakers for classical music
For $500 or less, I’d look at Wharfedale brand. They sound much better than their price might suggest. Many of the previous suggestions are above your budget, new. 
DAC: Before I jump in...
connecting Bluesound node 2i streamer to old system
"Does the Bluesound node need to be hardwired to the extender or does the Bluesound virtually "pick-up" the WIFI"No and yes. 
Audio Research VT100 MK1 and LS15 HELP!!!
If you’re hearing 60% more bass by only switching the amps, then the issue is not speaker/room set up. Assuming the tubes are fine, I would suggest trying to borrow a preamp or an amp from someone and try to isolate the bottleneck systemically. In... 
Interconnect Directionality
“Was my observation of the soundstage moving closer or further away based in reality or was it a hallucination”What you’re describing is usually the result of the polarity of the connection between the source and the speakers and can also vary to ... 
To Couple or Decouple?
“what about on carpet over cement slab...”In my experience, spikes worked best for this configuration. 
Optical vs coax vs spdif
Depending on the rest of your system and given the quality of the sound in a restaurant environment, the choice of the connection (and the cable)  may not and probably will not make an audible difference.  Congratulations on getting the CD collect... 
Pulling myself out of old, broken equipment, one hesitant step at a time...
Contact Richard Vandersteen through their website and send in your drivers for a rebuild. The last time I checked, they charge less than $80 to refurbish the front woofer on the 2Cis. There's a video, by Vandersteen, describing how to remove the g... 
What is your favorite High EFF speaker
I recently bought a pair of standmount Super6 Alnico Monitors (93db) from Omega Speaker Systems, replacing Vandersteen 2Cis. Driving them with an 18wpc SE KT88 amp from Aric Audio, they deliver a level of detail, liveliness and speed that is simpl... 
WAF Speaker suggestions
"She seems to like white speakers. Can white speakers sound good???"They sound just as good as any other color but may limit your choices. How about in/on-wall speakers? There are some real nice sounding models out there....and they are available ... 
Please Help Me!!
Sorry, is this a joke? Actually, it’s a compilation of several jokes, some funny, some not so much.... 
Bits bits bits from Upscale Audio
“ Another example for tuning your network connections, try using jumbo frames, much less overhead than having your network devices divide up the data into 1500B packets.”Could you please elaborate on how to try “jumbo” frames? I usually order medi... 
oscillation in power supply filter caps
^^^^ also wondering what does “oscillation” sound like through the speakers?