

Responses from kairosman

Coda #8, Pass XA25, or Schiit Tyr to replace PS Audio M700
Owned the #8 V2 great amp for the money, probably the V2 is what you need for those very insensitive speakers. You must love them truly for you to go to these lengths to keep them! I went the other way and got rid of 1 set of hard to drive booksh... 
Comparing Aurender N20 vs eversolo dmp A8
IME everything in a digital source chain right up to the DAC is important, cables too. Also the differences between an N20 and A8 will become more appreciable the more high-end all the rest of the system components are. That being said I think fo... 
Experience with Lumin L2?
@brianbonf had mine for 1 month now and it is by some distance the best sonic upgrade to my system since I went digital 5 years ago. However, and this is an important caveat, I have an all Lumin front-end now, the P1 and U1 in separate rooms, the ... 
15k for streamer and dac....how much on each?
If you go separates a 50/50 % split is recommended. Good all-in-ones are the Tambaqui, Aurender A20 and Lumin P1 (I have a P1 and it has more features than the other 2 all-in-ones I mentioned, and its cheaper). One thing I've discovered recently i... 
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
This comment isn’t directed at anyone in particular, but the goal of obtaining giant killer aka "unicorn" gear (DACs especially) has been IME a fool’s errand that’s cost me money and time better spent on just buying the very best gear I can afford... 
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
@calvinj i know of Ron, what does he do for a living btw? Just curious lol, great DAC collection, I follow a Lampizator thread he started on that forum.  
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
One thing to keep in mind when evaluating a DAC is that it is hard since it is not the source, the "source" is the combo of network provider, router, switch, cables, digital files, software and maybe DDC and master clock. I have experienced a big ... 
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
@jetter excuse me I should not have been insinuating, I should have been more direct: apropos, you are correct that the guy with the smallest yacht at the posh yacht club doesn’t care what I think since I don’t own a yacht and don’t belong to his ... 
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
@dz13 IME the difference between a good sub $10K DAC like a Lampizator Baltic V4 and a great $25K DAC like a Lampizator Poseidon can only be realized/heard in a high-end system, so it makes no sense to invest $25K in a DAC unless each of the rest ... 
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
@vthokie83 sold my Terminator II for a Lampizator Baltic 4, for me in my system it is more accurate for tone/timber/pitch and more resolution, bigger soundstage. Tube rolling and cable swapping can tweak the sonics substantially, for better or wor... 
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
Lampizator Baltic V4 is the best DAC I've had in my system for most vocal or acoustic music, for electronica/ambient and often (not always) large scale symphonic music, the DAC in the Lumin P1 is my preference. Among budget DACs I really like the ... 
The new Coda S5.5 amplifier: It's a "Petite Beast"!
@irave I have my S5.5 driving B&W 804 D4s which are at least as difficult a load as your Amatis and the sound is sublime, zero sense of compression or hardening or lack of dynamics. Preamp is a Audio Hungary Qualiton C200.   
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
@dayglow yup, and the underlying dig is that 5 out of 10 audiophiles who like me would still choose to spend $50K on B&Ws instead of $8K on Tektons are audiophools of the highest order given the obvious cost savings for a "superior" speaker. T... 
15k USD Speakers for Classical and Pop Extended Listening, Near setup, Low volume
@ilikeclassical the CODA dealer in Winnipeg that the Santa Barbara dude mentioned is Al who owns Hifi Art (Google the name for the website), I bought all my CODA gear from him, great guy. For speakers, you could consider Dutch & Dutch powered... 
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
@tektondesign the dealer where I bought my Gryphon amp also carries B&W, during the auditions I was doing with various amps, the 801 D4s were among the speakers used, some others were from Sonus Faber, Estelon, YG Acoustics and Borreson. I did...