Responses from jwmazur
Unusual TAS bomb Dear Editor; "CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION!" | |
has anyone had problems with wadia service? Read Burt's first response to your post again. He did not ask you one question about your experience. He offered an explanation and his contact information to set you back on the rails. Again, he did not ask about anything. Now you are suspicious ... | |
has anyone had problems with wadia service? I thought it curious that after Seattle Hi-Fi's offer to help, Paperw8 went on bemoaning his experience. It could have all ended right there on a positive note. | |
Open Baffle loudspeakers. There is a speaker designer in eastern Iowa that is designing some open-baffle speakers that sound promising while being inexpensive. He is talking about having it in kit form and also in finished trim. The guy's name is Jack Caldwell and he has a... | |
Single Source Tube PreAmp? So long as you have a phono stage for your turntable, you could get by with a tube buffer such as an Decware Z-Stage, which has a single input, tube gain stage, and gain control. I own a Z-Stage and just installed a Sophia Electric 12AU7 tube. I a... | |
6sn7 and 12sn7 octal preamp for under $5k Check out the Mystere CA21. Upscale Audio imports these. Dick Olsher had nothing but praise in his review. | |
Tube question for the electrical engineers Did you buy the preamp new or used? If used, I would be getting this into an authorized repair center. I bought an Art Audio PX-25 amp used and when it arrived it didn't sound to what my expectation was. I sent it back to Art Audio and they found ... | |
Your Worst Audio Breakdown There was another episode, not a failure, but idiots at SOTA. I bought their Time Domain speakers from a local dealer and had problems getting them in the right spot, then problems finding the right seat height. I ended up having to sit on a bar s... | |
Your Worst Audio Breakdown I had a pair of VTL MB250 monoblock amps. I was listening late one night and dozed off after the music had stopped. When I awoke, I saw a shower of sparks coming from the back of one of the amps like a rooster tail, straight up in the air. It look... | |
Good Tube Selection for Atma Sphere S30? I was on Sophia Electric's website and saw they carry 6SN7's for $100 apiece. That seems pretty steep and I don't know of anyone that has used them. Just mentioning another source for you. | |
Sabre EE Minimax Plus - Calyx - Audiolab 8200DQ The Mini Max sounds spectacular. I have some XLR to RCA adapters that I no longer need! | |
Best small speakers? Holistic Audio H1 speakers. Flexible in placement, great stereo imaging outside the sweetspot, easy to drive, room friendly, decor flexible, satisfying at low volume, great bass punch, great WAF, and so freakin easy to listen to. | |
What started you on your audiophile journey . When I heard equipment from Great American Sound, otherwise known as GAS, back in the late '70s. I still have a Thoebe preamp and Son of Ampzilla. | |
Decware silver interconnects: anybody heard them? Decware has a 30-day money-back trial policy. Try them on for size. | |
Need inexpensive hybrid int amp You might look at the Virtue Audio Sensation M451 or M901 with Dodd tube buffer option. I sold a Luxman L590A II and eventually found this. Sure the Luxman was better in some areas, but by small amounts. I don't have any regrets, however. The perf... |