
Responses from jwei

What the ship just happened?
I bought an old Mac MR 78 and wanted it tuned up at Audio Classics by Modaferri. First, I paid up for an OEM box which was shipped to me.  Don't remember exactly, but cost maybe $75? at the time. Next I shipped UPS insured.  It arrived there wit... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
@oldsounguy  "Chris Botti Live, Wonderful songs and one of the best, if not the best sounding trumpet recordings out there. Silk…." Truly great performances. I liked the Blu-ray with its beautiful visuals. My favorite was Look of Love with Burt... 
Where do you want your system to go when you go?
I had once hoped to pass my equipment to my sons, but they have neither interest nor room for it. If I had the time, I would designate each piece to be disposed through an appropriate channel -- some on Audiogon, some on eBay, some on Craigslist,... 
Does upgrading you system have to be on a logarithmic curve?
My expenditures were exponential because my ability to spend was exponential.  Of course I experienced diminishing returns but I could still hear the difference. I only scaled back my purchases after I stopped hearing differences.  
I had a Boltz CD rack.  It was very solid -- reassuringly rigid with no flexion.  I felt sad when I had to give it up during a move. But for footprint efficiency, I am using big wood spinners now.  Huge capacity without hogging floor or wall space.  
how much should I spend to get a better turntable than my current turntable?
Another vote for the Dual 1019.  It was a beautiful piece of equipment when I saw one in college.  Edge-on, you couldn't tell if the table was spinning unless it had some marking -- its machining was so precise that it was hard to see the motion. ... 
What is your take on high efficient speakers vs. low efficient speakers?
A lot of my listening is at low to moderate volume levels. In my experience, high efficiency speakers sound better at such levels, especially in the bass.  Low efficiency speakers seem to lose bass impact at less than high volumes.  
Talking about service!
Great story!  Great experience!  
Would you spend you money on modest brand new car or rather buy top notch vintage one?
For a car, I would buy the new one.  I have had old cars and there's always something going wrong/breaking on them.  Mechanical parts wearing out, rubber aging, etc. For audio equipment, I would consider good used electronics, just being mindful ... 
OMG. What now?
Does your digital source have an analog volume control? Often digital sources will lower the volume by modifying the signal, and some can hear a degradation in the music from this process. If you run your digital source at maximum volume into a ... 
Can anyone tell me where the progress in audio went?
A demo track like that makes me ask myself "What are they hiding?" And if this is what they consider representative music, "Do I want speakers voiced with it?"  I have to wonder about their judgment.  
ELAC Miracord 50H2 turntable questions
Your table may need lubrication. The clicking is not normal.  I would guess something in the changing mechanism is not disengaging completely, perhaps sticking due to dust accumulation or lack of lubrication.  However, if this is not audible in p... 
Need advice for a replacement phono cartridge
If you're buying a different cartridge like a Koetsu, checking compatibility with your Sutherland Little Loco phono preamp might be a good precaution.  As a "current input" phono preamp, the wrong combination could be a problem.  I hope there is a... 
Record Seam Splits
Good suggestions.  And you could always tape or glue the artwork to the replacement sleeve.  Happy listening!  
Has this happened to you? How can it be stopped?
Old stuff I've tried to resist buying -- stuff that was considered very good but more expensive than I could afford back then.  As time passed, I got richer and those pieces got older and more buyable on the used market. Gave in a few times; got ...